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»» ZDALNE NAUCZANIE. U nas znajdziesz i opublikujesz scenariusze ««
Numer: 7620
Dział: Języki obce

Przymiotniki dzierżawcze / Possesive adjectives

Klasy IV-VI

Przymiotniki dzierżawcze/ Possesive adjectives
Name: ........................................
I. Wpisz w zdania przymiotniki dzierżawcze.
1. This bicycle belongs to me. It’s ............ bicycle.
2. That dog belongs to Tim. It’s .............. dog.
3. These hats belong to my brother. They’re ............ hats.
4. This computer to my sister. It’s .......... Computer.
5. Those paintings belong to my family. They’re ........... paintings.
6. That lamp belongs to your family. It’s ......... lamp.
7. Those towels belong to me. They’re ............ towels.
8. That car belongs to Peter and Ann. It’s .......... car. ......./8
II. Wpisz w zdania przymiotniki dzierżawcze.
1. ............ (he) cat is black and white.
2. ..............(we) flat is not very big.
3. Mary, is this ............. (you) dress?
4. ............. (they) house is very small.
5. ............. (she) mother is an actor.
6. ............ (they) father is a taxi driver. ......../6
III. Podkreśl właściwy wyraz.
1. My / I name is Sam.
2. They / Their house is on Park Street.
3. New Zealand is a beautiful country. Its / It capitol is Wellington.
4. Our / We living room is very big.
5. Is this you / your pen?
6. He / His desk is over there.
7. She / Her favourite sport is basketball.
8. I / My birthday is in March. ......./8
IV. Wpisz odpowiedni przymiotnik dzierżawczy.
1. What’s the boy’s name? ............. name is Ben.
2. Kate has got a dog. ................ dog is very lively.
3. The dog is very lively. ........... name is Rocky.
4. We are at school. ............. school is very nice.
5. I have got a new bike. ............ bike is red.
6. The Morgans have got a restaurant. ............. restaurant is great.
7. The rabbit is white. .......... cage is in the garden.
8. Jack has got a new car. ......... is black.
9. Emma has got one brother. ............ name is Peter.
10. Ann has got a sister. .......... name is Betty.
11. We have got a dog. ........... dog is very old.
12. Kate has got a tortoise. .......... name is Shell.
13. Jack has got a good job. He likes ........... job.
14. We spend evenings in ........... living room.
15. I don’t like ........... my old car.
Opracowała: Elżbieta Strojkowska

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