Numer: 24998
Dział: Języki obce

Ćwiczenia przygotowujące do konkursu z języka angielskiego dla klasy 4

1. Wstaw: am, is, lub are.

a) You.......... my best friend.
b) My brothers......... at school.
c) .......... she happy?
d) Andy and Sam.......... in the park.
e) Where .......... he from?
f) I.......... Polish.
g) The dog.......... in the garden.
h) Where.......... the students?
i) The pilot......... in the aeroplane.
j) ........ you 10 years old?

2. Podaj krótkie odpowiedzi na poniższe pytania:

a) Are you a teacher? Yes, I am........
b) Is your mum at home? No, ...................................
c) Are we in the zoo? Yes,...................................
d) Is Betty sad? No,....................................
e) Is your pen blue? No,....................................
f) Are they English? Yes,...................................
g) Is your father at work? No, ...................................
h) Are you from Russia? Yes, ..................................

3. Wstaw: what, where, when, who, how, why.

a) ................... is your favourite day?
b) ................... time is it?
c) .................... is your friend from?
d) .................... old are you?
e) ..................... is your birthday (urodziny)?
f) ..................... are you?
g) .................... ‘s his name?
h) ..................... is Valentine’s Day?
i) ..................... are you sad (smutny)?
j) ................... color is your car?

4. Wstaw "a" lub "an":

a) ...... elephant
d) .......ball
e) .......egg
f) .......crocodile
g) .......ostrich
h) .......astronaut
i) .......indian
j) ........torch

5. Wstaw odpowiedni tytuł: Mr, Mrs, Miss.

a) This is .......... Brown. She is my teacher.
b) Look at this man. He’s ............ Smith.
c) Look at this girl- she is .............. Wilson. That is her mother , .............. Wilson, and her father, ................ Wilson.
d) Is this............. Susan Johnson- your Maths teacher ?

6.Wstaw odpowiedni zaimek: my, your, her, his, its, our, their.

a) This is Sally. ............... father is English.
b) What is .............. name? My name is Martin.
c) Where are the children? .............. toys are here.
d) I’m Kate and this is ............ brother. ................ name is John.
e) We are students of Green School. We love ............ school.
f) My cat is big and fat. ................... legs are white.
g) They like ............. teacher.
h) She doesn’t like ............. school.

7. Podaj liczbę mnogą podanych rzeczowników:

a) 1 girl- 2......................
b) 1 brush- 4...................
c) 1 pencil – 2 ................
d) 1 box-5.......................
e) 1 book – 2 .................
f) 1 class- 3 ....................
g) 1 match- 2......................
h) 1 lady- 4....................
i) 1 monkey-5................

8.Wstaw “do” lub “does”:

a) ......... your friend like English?
b) .......... you love your school? Yes, I ...........
c) ......... they often swim?
d) ........ he play tennis? Yes, he................
e) .......... your cat like milk?
f) ......... I like you?
g) ......... she sing well?

9.Podaj krótkie odpowiedzi na poniższe pytania:

a) Does Ola play the piano? Yes, .................................
b) Do you help your brother? Yes, .................................
c) Do you go to the cinema? No, ..................................
d) Does your father like rock music? No, .............................
e) Do they love hip hop? Yes, ..................................
f) Do your dogs like fish? No, ...................................
g) Does he ski in winter? No, ...................................

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