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»» ZDALNE NAUCZANIE. U nas znajdziesz i opublikujesz scenariusze ««
Numer: 4407
Dział: Języki obce

Wewnątrzszkolny konkurs języka angielskiego dla klas czwartych szkoły podstawowej

I. Poniższe zdania uzupełnij nastepującymi
are, do, does not, sleeps, sleep.
1.My dog ......... in my bedroom at night.
2.There ........ a lot of animals in the zoo.
3.My cat ........ drink milk- only water.
4.Where ........ elephants live?
5.Bats ........ in the day.

II. Wstaw am, are, is, have got lub has got.
1.Where ......... my trousers?
2.A spider ........ eight legs.
3.Jane and Bob ........ three small children.
4.Her hair ....... long.
5.I ........ tall and beautiful.

III.Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedz(a,b,c).
1. He..........in a small village in the north
of Poland.
a)goes b)lives c)live
2. We ........... to the theatre tonight.
a)are going b)went c)go
3. Where .................?
a)live Peter b)does Peter live c)live Peter
4. There is .......... orange on the table.
a)some b)an c)a
5. My sister and I .......... shopping but my
brother likes it.
a)like b)don't like c)hates

IV. Przeczytaj opisy zawodów. Następnie wpisz nazwę
zawodu obok każdego opisu.
1.A person who teaches children at school. ......
2.He works in a restaurant and cooks meals. .....
3.He takes pictures. .......
4.He works in an office and has got a secretary.
5.He works in a hospital.......

V. Wstaw wyraz pasujący pod względem formy i treści.
1.I often w_ _ _ _ TV at night.
2.My f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ book is "Harry Potter".
3.Where is milk? In the f_ _ _ _ _.
4.We go for our h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in July.
5.My b_ _ _ friend is Lisa. I like her very much.

VI. Przeczytaj poniższe dialogi i zdecyduj, ktore
z nich mają miejsce:
a) at the hotel
b) at the post office
c) in a restaurant
1. -Can I help you?
-Yes. I would like two hamburgers,
2. -A twenty pence stamp,please
-Here you are.
3. -Here is a key to your room.
-Thank you.
Odpowiedzi: 1__, 2__, 3__ .
VII.Przeczytaj uważnie tekst i zdania znajdujące się
pod tekstem. Zaznacz, ktore są fałszywe (F),
a ktore prawdziwe (T).
Michael is an accountant in a language school. He lives on the fourth floor in a big building.He goes to work by bus and leaves home at eight o'clock. His school is near the church. Michael loves his work-it is nice and quiet. At quarter to one he goes to lunch. He usually has yoghurt for lunch. He finishes work at six p.m.On his way back home he buys some food and has got supper at home. He goes to bed at midnight.
1. Michael is a doctor.__
2. He lives on the fifth floor.__
3. His school is not far from church.__
4. He does not like his work.__
5. He has got luch at quarter past one.__
6. In the evening he buys some food.__
7. He eats supper in a restaurant.__

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