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»» ZDALNE NAUCZANIE. U nas znajdziesz i opublikujesz scenariusze ««
Numer: 32236
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs z j.angielskiego dla klas 4-6

NAME: ........................................ CLASS: ...........
POINTS: ..........................


Przeczytaj uważnie pytania i zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.

1.Hello, what’s.............?
A. you name B. the name C. your name D. name

2 We like.................
A. play football B. the football C. a football D. playing football

3. There..... a good programme on TV yesterday.
A. is B. are C. was D. were

4. Did you see Mary yesterday? No, I ..............
A. wasn’t B. don’t C. haven’t D didn’t

5........... is a good dictionary.
A. This B. These C. Those D. They

6. I’m going to London ....Thursday.
A. in B. on C. at D. during

7. ................. to school yesterday?
A. He went B. Did he go C. Does he go D. Went he

8. My sister ...............to China last year.
A. did go B. goes C. has gone D. went

9. English is easier .... Maths.
A. of B. from C than D. as

10. ..........you from Poland?
A. Don’t B. Do C. Be D. Are

11. We are meeting............6 p.m. tonight.
A. in B. on C. at D. to

12. .......... did you go on holiday?
A. Where B. Who C. Which D. What

13. I ..... thirty-six years old.
A. have B. be C. am D. can be

14. Pytanie: ...............................?
Odpowiedź: He is from Scotland.

A. Come from where Ben is? B. Where is Ben from?
C. From is Ben where? D. Where Ben from is?

15.She comes to school........ bus.
A. on B. in C. by D. with

16. He ..... a bath yesterday.
A. has B. had C. having D. haved

17. My mum bought me .... new skirt.
A. an B. a C. any D. the

18. There were twenty women and ten .... in the room.
A. man B. mans C. men D. mens

19. We start our lessons .... the morning.
A. in B. on C. at D. with

20. They are going .... visit their friends in London.
A. ------- B. to C. for D. on

21. I usually ..... homework after school.
A. do B. make C. play D. ride

22. My mother’s sister is my .....
A. aunt B. uncle C. grandma D. dad

23. Sue’s friend, Helga lives in .......
A. Deutschland B. Germany C. German

24. If you want to be a good student, you should ...... to your teachers.
A. hear B. see C. listen D. look

25. Is she fat? No, she’s .............
A. thin B. tall C. fair

26. Would you like something to drink?
A. Yes, please. B. No C. I want.

27. Don’t..............your coat. It’s cold here.
A. put on B. take off C. take on

28. The ............ of Wales is Cardiff. (‘stolica’)
A. place B. flat C. biggest city D. capital city

29.Where are my glasses? They are on ...... table.
A. the B. any C. some D. these

30. ..................... What time is it?
A. I’m sorry. B. Excuse me. C. Have a watch. D. Pardon.

31. Stolicą Wielkiej Brytanii jest .............
A. Liverpool B. Londyn C. Glasgow D. Belfast

32.Brytyjska królowa nazywa się.....................
A. Elżbieta II B. Diana C. Elżbieta I D. Victoria

33. Statua Wolności znajduje się w....................
A. Paryżu B. Nowym Jorku C. Chicago D. Los Angeles

34. Które kolory widnieją na fladze brytyjskiej?
A. zielony, czerwony i biały B. biały, niebieski i czerwony
C. czerwony, niebieski i czarny D. czerwony, biały i czarny

35. Słynny dzwon w Londynie to ...........
A. Big Bill B. Big Ben C. Big Bob D. Big Benny

36. Kiedy obchodzi się święto Halloween?
A. 30 października B. 31 października
C. 31 listopada D. 31 września

37. Wielkanoc w języku angielskim to...........
A. Easter B. Thanksgiving Day C. Christmas D. Women’s Day

38. Ile stanów jest w USA?
A. 5 B. 15 C. 50 D. 13

39. Jaka jest waluta w Wielkiej Brytanii?
A. euro B. funt C. frank D. dolar

40. Kto mieszka w Białym Domu w USA?
A. prezydent B. premier C. król D. królowa

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