»» ZDALNE NAUCZANIE. U nas znajdziesz i opublikujesz scenariusze ««
Numer: 8303
Dział: Języki obce

Ćwiczenia utrwalające budowę i zastosowanie pierwszego trybu warunkowego


1. Uzupełnij zgodnie z zasadami budowy Pierwszego Trybu Warunkowego

•If you (eat) ...............an ice-cream, you (have) ............................a hot chocolate.
•If she (need) ......................a computer, her brother (give) ...............her his computer.
•If we (have / not) .....................time this afternoon, we (meet) ...........................tomorrow.
•He (talk) ...............................to her if you (want / not) ..................................to do it.
•Your brother (win / not) ................the game if he (know / not) ...........................the rules.
•If you (wash) ........................the dishes, I (cook) ........................................dinner tonight.
•If my dad (have) ........................time next week, we (paint) ...............................my room.
•You (learn) ...............a lot about American history if you (visit) ...........................the exhibition.
•If the weather (be / not) ...................too bad tomorrow, my parents (play) ...............................golf.
•We (get / not) .........................there on time if we (catch / not) ....................................the bus.
•If you (go) ................out with your friends tonight, we (watch) ....................the football match on TV.
•I (earn) ................................a lot of money if I (get) ........................................that job.
•If she (hurry / not)................................, we (miss) ........................................the bus.
•If you (send) .....................this letter now, she (receive) ....................................it tomorrow.
•If I (go) ................................abroad, I (improve) ........................................my English.
•If she (find) .............................your ring, I (give) .....................................it back to you.
•Peggy (go) ...........................shopping if she (have) ..............................time in the afternoon.
•Simon (go) ....................to London next week if he (get) ...............................a cheap flight.
•If her boyfriend (phone / not) ..................today, she (leave) ...................................him.
•If they (study / not) ...................harder, they (pass / not) ...........................the exam.
•If it (rain) ................tomorrow, I (have to / not) .....................................water the plants.
•You (be able/ not) .......................to sleep if you (watch) ..................................this scary film.
Susan (can / move / not) .................into the new house if it (be / not) ......................ready on t

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