Numer: 8302
Dział: Języki obce

Test diagnozujący leksykalno - gramatyczny dla uczniów klas pierwszych gimnazjum

Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania pełnymi zdaniami.

1.What’s your name?
2.How old are you?
3.Where do you live?

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź .

1.This is my sister my brother, Bob.
a)that b)it c)this

2.What .............we doing at the moment?
a)are b)is c)am

3............sister is still a schoolgirl.
a)Tom’s b)Tom’ c)Toms

4.My mother-in-law has got .............stamps.
a)a lot of b)much c)very many of

5..............John work in an office or a bank?
a)Are b)Does c)Has

6.My bike is old but ............... is really new.
a) him b) hiss c) yours

7. There are ............ green plates left.
a) any b) some c) the

8.How much money ............. you have?
a) does b) is c) do

9.Where is Johnny ? I can’t find ..............
a) her b) she`s c) him

10.Where ............ he last night? Do you know?
a) were b) did c) was

11. Ann looks ............. in her new dress, doesn’t she?
a) nice b) nicely c) like nice

12.John’s brother likes ............. tennis. He is really good at it.
a) play b) playing c) to play

13. Lucy is .............. student in her class.
a) the worst b) the most bad c) worse

14. What ................ when the postman arrived?
a) have you done b) were you doing c) do you do

15. Oranges do not cost so ................ as mandarins.
a) much b) many c) more
16.What time do you get up on Sundays? .................. ten o’clock, not earlier.
a) At b) In c) On

17................raspberry tea have we got?
a) How much b) How many c) Much

18. The newsagent`s is ............ the supermarket.
a) next b) in c) next to

19....................this apple drink! It smells horrible.
a) Don’t drink b) Not drink c) Can’t drink

20.The school year should always start............September 1st
a) on b) at c) by

21................... finished it?
a) Have you b) Did you c) Has we

22. The capital of Great Britain is London,.............?
a) isn’t it b) wasn’t it c) isn’t

23.They............. Polish cuisine.
a) have never tasted b) has never tasted c) have never taste

24.It’s your girlfriend’s birthday tomorrow. You .............. buy her a gift.
a) should b) should to c) ought

25. ................ me now?
a) Are you believing b) Do you believe c) Did you believe

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź .

1.This is my sister my brother, Bob.

2.What .............we doing at the moment?
3............sister is still a schoolgirl.
4.My mother-in-law has got .............stamps.
a)a lot of

5..............John work in an office or a bank?

6.My bike is old but ............... is really new.
b) hiss

7. There are ............ green plates left.
b) some

8.How much money ............. you have?
c) do

9.Where is Johnny ? I can’t find ..............
c) him

10.Where ............ he last night? Do you know?
b) did

11. Ann looks ............. in her new dress, doesn’t she?
a) nice
12.John’s brother likes ............. tennis. He is really good at it.
b) playing

13. Lusy is .............. student in her class.
a) the worst

14. What ............... when the postman arrived?
b) were you doing

15. Oranges do not cost so ................ as mandarins.
a) much

16.What time do you get up on Sundays? .................. ten o’clock, not earlier.
a) At

17................raspberry tea have we got?
a) How much

18. The newsagent`s is ............ the supermarket.
c) next to

19....................this apple drink! It smells horrible.
a) Don’t drink

20.The school year should always start............September 1st
a) on

21................... finished it?
a) Have you

22. The capital of Great Britain is London,.............?
a) isn’t it

23.They............. Polish cuisine.
a) have never tasted

24.It’s your girlfriend’s birthday tomorrow. You .............. buy her a gift.
a) should

25. ................ me now?
b) Do you believe

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