Numer: 4771
Dział: Języki obce

Arkusz konkursowy języka angielskiego klasa IV


Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F) (7 pkt.)
It’s Friday, five o’clock p.m. It’ raining and cold outside. Susan and Betsy, the twins, are sitting at home and looking through the window. They are sad.
Susan says: „Whan an awful weather”. „It’s true”, answers Betsy. „Let’s listen to music. I have a new CD of Doda”.
„I don’t like Doda”, says Susan. „Let’s watch TV then. There’a a new Harry Potter film on now”.
„I don’t like Harry Potter”, says Betsy.
Their mum, Alice, opens the door and says: „Girls, help me, please. I’ve got some shopping”.
The girls are helping their mum to unpack the shopping bag; there’s some sugar, some flour and some eggs.
„I have a great idea”, says Susan. „Let’s make a cake”.
„I love making cakes”, says Betsy.
Now the girls are happy because they are making a cake together.

1 Susan and Betsy are sisters. T F
2 The weather is nice. T F
3 The girls are happy at 5 o’clock. T F
4 Susan likes Doda. T F
5 Their mum’s name is Alice. T F
6 There are some cakes in the bag. T F
7 The girls like making cakes. T F


1. Zakreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych (5 pkt.)
1 book crayons pencil case teacher
2 tea butter milk juice
3 clever windy cold hot
4 sister father grandpa doctor
5 desk washing machine bookcase armchair

2. Połącz w pary pytania 1-5 i odpowiedzi A- E (5 pkt.)

1 What’s the time? A Ben. 1 -
2 What’s your name? B In March. 2 -
3 What’s your favourite colour? C It’s five. 3 -
4 When’s your birthday? D I don’t have any. 4 -
5 What’s your favourite number? E Silver. 5 -

3. Przeczytaj zdania i zaznacz jedną prawidłową odpowiedź (5 pkt.)

1. ............. have four legs.
a. Lion b. Zebras c. Birds d. Fish
2. My grandma is my mum’s .......
a. grandma b. dad c. sister d. mother
3. 7 x 2 = ....
a. fourteen b. forteen c. fourty d. forty
4. Children in Poland have holidays in ............
a. April b. December c. September d. July
5. Monday is the ....... day of the week.
a. oneth b. first c. favourite d. one


1. Wstaw czasowniki z nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie (6 pkt.)

1) Betty and Kate ........................................ now. (not dance)
2) My mum always ................................... in the afternoon. (sleep)
3) We ..................................... to school on Saturdays. (not go)
4) There ............................. eleven girls in my class. (be)
5) I ....................................... a quiz at the moment. (write)
6) There .............................. a beautiful tree in the garden. (be)

2. Przeczytaj zdania i zaznacz jedną poprawną odpowiedź (6 pkt.)

1. Do you like football? No, I ...
a. do b. like c. don’t d. can’t
2. Annie, ...... the window, please. It’s very hot in here.
a. open b. opens c. close d. closes
3. A horse is ........ than a chicken.
a. more big b. bigger c. the biggest d. the big
4. Where does Mary ......?
a. living b. lives c. live d. to live
5. These are .............. friends.
a. Sams b. Sams’ c. Sam d. Sam’s
6. Are you Polish? No, I ....
a. am not b. aren’t c. am d. isn’t

3. Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności i zapisz zdania (6 pkt.)

1. must / He / his / mum / help /.
2. do / Kate / does / What / morning / the / in / ?
3. isn’t / grandpa / playing / the guitar / My / now / .
4. got / eight / I / my / haven’t / in / books / schoolbag / .
5. she / ski / skate / can / can’t / but / Lucy / .
6. any / in / There / the / apples / aren’t / fridge / .

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