Numer: 36283
Dział: Języki obce

Strona bierna - krótki test


1.Zamień zdania na stronę bierną:
•She made a beautiful decoration. ........................................
•The haven’t renovated the house yet. ........................................
•People say Brian’s parents have adopted him........................................
•Everybody knows that the criminals will come back...............................
•They are painting the front door. ........................................

2.Zamień na konstrukcję osobową:

•It is believed that the will be sent to prison. ........................................
•It is known that the climate have been changing for years. ........................................

3.Zamień na konstrukcję bezosobową;
•Molly is reported to have beaten a few other students. ........................................
•The children are hoped to be healthy soon. ........................................

4.Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w stronie biernej odpowiedniego czasu:
•After the car (crash) .................. it was repaired many times.
•Look! These computers (use) ........................... at the moment.
•In our hotel breakfast (never serve) ........................ after 10 a.m.
•The criminal (see) ............................ many times so far.
•By the end of the week all this furniture (transport) ...............................

5.Przetłumacz fragmenty w nawiasach:
•Susan is known (że była) ........................................ in Africa many times.
•It is reported ( że wiele ludzi umarło) ....................................... in the accident.
•(Mówi się, że Simon) have lost his girlfriend because he was arrogant.
•(Ma się nadzieję, że wszyscy są) ........................................ be alive.
•People are said ( że jedzą) .................................... more and more fast food.

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