Numer: 33825
Dział: Języki obce

English grammar tests

(Present Simple and Present Continuous)

I. Put the verbs into the correct form.
1. We can go out now. It.......................... any more. (not rain).
2. I...................hungry. (get). Let’s go and have something to eat.
3. your free time? (you do). Have you got any hobbies?
4. Mary on Fridays. (phone).
5. What’s that noise? What.............................(happen)?
6. I usually rest here at this time of the year. It......................much. (not/rain).
7. Look! The man over there ...........................the same sweater as you. (wear).
8. I wonder why nice to me today. (be) He isn’t usually like that.
9. Where..........................from? (you come) Are you American?
10. ..........................the television or I can turn it off? (anybody listen).
11. The population of the world.......................very fast. (rise).
12. Peter.........................French very well. (speak).
13. ............................this week? (Colin work). No, he is on holiday.
14. My very often. (not drink).
15. England. (not grow).
16. My cousin...........................with us until he finds a flat. (live).
17. I .....................I won’t be late. (promise).
18. You.................................what I do. (always criticise).
19. ............................. that woman? (you remember). She was our first teacher.
20. I...........................the director tomorrow morning. (see).
21. I should tell her the truth. (think).
22. I ............................of giving up smoking. (think).
23. We........................a nice present for you. (have).
24. The soup ..................really good. (smell).
25. Where’s Margaret? She........................dinner (have).
26. Are you hungry? ...................something to eat? (you want)
27. the swimming pool every day. (go).
28. She.................swimming. (love).
29. Listen! The birds ...................(sing).
30. Most people bed before midnight. (go)

(Present Simple and Present Continuous)

Put the verb into the correct form.
1. She ..................................two languages very well. (speak)
2. John is a pilot. He........................... a plane. (fly)
3. ............................... tea to coffee? (you prefer)
4. the Baltic Sea every summer. (go)
1. I can't go now. I ........................... dinner. (cook)
2. ......................................your homework in the evenings? (you do)
3. Don't forget to take your umbrella! (rain)
4. I friends very often. (visit )
5. Excuse me, but you......................................on my foot. (stand)
6. I wonder why Kelly shy. She isn’t usually like that. (be)
7. Use my desk. at the moment. (not need).
8. I hate working here. I........................................about looking for a new job. (think)
9. should learn more. Your marks are bad. (think)
10. My Bordeaux. They were born there. (live)
11. My sister ..............................with our grandma until she builds her own house. (live)
12. He ........................ cigarettes at all. ( not smoke).
13. Can you help me? Sorry, I.................. no time at the moment. (have)
14. I........................for a job now. (look)
15. My mother....................... my needs. (not understand)
16. Can you give my present to John? Sure, I ........................... him tonight. (see)
17. The dinner...................... beautiful. (smell)
18. Every time I meet her I..................... happy. (feel)
19. I usually........................ my homework in the evening. (do)
20. I never............................. TV after midnight. (watch)
21. Now I know what she ..................... (want).
22. Where is Bob? He........................ a shower now. (have)
23. He........................... to the cinema every Friday. (go)
24. Can I take your camera? Sure, I........................ it now. (not use)
25. You............................ the same mistakes! (always make)

TEST (Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form)

1. I (think) it's a good idea.
2. I never (watch) TV after midnight.
3. Every time I meet her I (feel) happy.
4. Can I take your camera? Sure, I (not use) it now.
5. The dinner (smell) beautiful.
6. Can you give my present to John? Sure, I (see) him tonight.
7. Where is Bob? He (have) a shower now.
8. I usually (do) my homework in the evening.
9. My mother (not understand) my needs.
10. You (always make) the same mistakes!
11. Look at that girl! She (look) amazing.
12. Can you help me? Sorry, I (have) no time at the moment.
13. Now I know what she (want).
14. I (look) for a job now.
15. He (go) to the cinema every Friday.
1. Look! Jenny (go)................. to school.
2. Normally, Jenny (wear) black shoes, but today she (wear) red wellies.
3. And look, she (wear)...... a raincoat because it (rain) outside.
4. Jenny (not / want)....................... to get wet.
5. ........... (she / eat) dinner at the moment?
6. What .............(they / do) right now?
7. .......... (she / visit) her grandma very often?
8. You ..............(see / not) her every day.
9. The baby ................(sleep / not) at the moment.
10. We (go / not)............ to school on Sundays.
11. He (watch / not)............ the news every day.
12. Look! They (leave)........... the house.
13. Brian (cycle)........... 30 km every day.
14. Samantha (do)......... her homework at the moment.
15. My parents (shop)........... right now.
16. He usually (get up)....... early in the morning.

(Past Simple and Past Continuous)

Put the verbs into the correct form:
1. She ........................... [sleep] when her sister .............. ........... [come] home.

2. I............................ [watch] TV when I ......................... [fall] asleep.

3. When the monster............................ [appear] they ..... ..................... [fish] in the lake.

4. When he .......................... [finish] his homework, he ... .................... [go] out.

5. When I ............................ [see] him, he ....................... .. [read] a newspaper.

6. He .......................... [break] his leg while he ................. ....... [play] basketball.

7. They ........................ [sit] on the beach when they ....... ............. [hear] a bang.

8. Someone ............................ [knock] on the door while......................... [have] a bath.

9. He .......................... [read] when the children .......................... [come] home.

10. I.......................... [cook] dinner when the phone .......................... [ring].

11. She...................... [arrive] while I .......................... [talk] on the phone.

12. He .......................... [wear] a blue sweater when I.......................... [see] him.

13.I.......................... [bump] into him while I .......................... [jog] in the park.

14. Ann..........................[wait] for me when I........................[arrive].

15. Linda was busy when we ........................[go] to see her yesterday. She...........................[] for an exam. We...................[not/want] to disturb her, so we.......................[not stay] very long.

16. When I first.............................[tell] Tom the news, he..................... [not/believe] me. He.....................[think] that I .........................[joke]

17. John....................[hurt] his hand when he .......................[cook] dinner.

( Present Perfect or Past Simple)

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1 I ........................................ [have] to go to school six days a week when I was your age.
2 She ........................................ [not speak] to me since this morning.
3 We ........................................ [see] that film last week.
4 ........................................ [you - see] Ricky Martin's new video?
5 We .................................... [sleep] in a tent last night.
6 He ........................................ [live] in this house since he was born.
7 We ........................................ [stay] in this hotel for ten days, but tomorrow we're leaving.
8 She ........................................ [break] her leg when she was twelve.
9 I ........................................ [never - break] my leg.
10 They ........................................ [be] in the bank for ages. What are they doing there?
11I........................................ [live] in Paris when she was 20.
12 I........................................ [not make] the beds yet.
13 He ........................................ [write] his first book five years ago.
14 This is the best book I ....................................... [read].
15 I ........................................[see] the new Tom Cruise film last night.
16 We ......................................[not invite] her to the party yet.
17 He .....................................[already - finish] his homework.
18 She ................................... [just - go] out.
19 She ................................... [go] out two minutes ago.
20 I.....................................[live] in this house for five years when I was a child.

1. I don’t know where Amy is . Have you seen her?..(you/see) her.
2. When I .....................(get) home last night, I........................(be) very tired and I..........................(go) straight to bed.
3. Your car looks very clean. ............................(you/wash) it?
4. George.......................(not/be) very well last week.
5. Mr. Clark........................(work) in a bank for 24 years. Then he gave it up.
6. Molly lives in Dublin. She......................(live) there all her life.
7. ............................(you/go) to the cinema last night? Yes, but it....................
(be) a mistake. The film ...........................(be) awful.
8. My grandfather.....................(die)30 years ago. I....................(never/meet) him.
9. I don’t know Carol’s husband. I........................(never/meet) him.
10. A: Is your father at home? B: No, I’m afraid he ......................(go)out.
A: When exactly...................(he/go) out? B: About ten minutes ago.
11. Where do you live/ B: In Boston. A: How long ..................(you /live) there?
B: 5 years. A: Where...........................(you/live) before that? B: In Chicago.
A: And how long...........................(you/live) in Chicago? B: 2 years.

Do każdego zdania ułóż pytanie

1) We are playing chess at the moment.

2) The doctor is examing Betty's throat.

3) She talks too much .

4) They pick grapes in August.

5) I remember his telephone number.

6) She knows the truth.

7) We visit Krakow twice a week.
8) Henry's girlfriend cooks very well.

9) I watched the match alone.

10) He called us yesterday.

11) I forgot Fiona's phone number.

12) They visited Rome in August.

13) I found the purse on the floor.

14) The teacher gave us the right answer.

15) We were in France last year.

16) He was absent on Friday.

17) Clara was getting off the bus when she suddenly fell down.

18) Pete was telling us jokes all the time during the party.

19) They were watching TV when I arrived.

20) I have already washed my hands.

21) She has lived here for fifteen years.

22) I have just written a long letter to my friend;

Ułóż pytania , pytając o podkreślona. część zadania :

23) Sue didn't eat because she had a toothache.

24) John spent 50$ on his new trousers.

25) They listening attentively to the lecturer.

26) She borrowed three books from our local library.

27) He went there twice a week.

28) My best friend lived close to me.

29) His brother found a gold ring in the garden.

Napisz właściwą, formę czasowników w nawiasach

1) Niger (always ring) after 10 p.m. and (ask) stupid question.

2) "Where is Paul (work) at the moment".

3) May I borrow your computer or (you use) it today?

4) The kids are suspiciously quiet. You had better go and see what they (do).

5) I (take) my children to the zoo tomorrow.

6) Tom and Anna (get) married in February.

7) He ( do not feel) well.

8) He (speak) three foreign languages .

9) He always (kiss) his wife when he (come) from work.

TEST (Passive)

1. This house........ 100 years ago.
A is built B is building
C was building D was built
E built
2. the party last week.
A didn't invite B didn't invited
C weren't invited D wasn't invited
E haven't been invited
3. Police confirmed that a man ........ in connection with the attack.
A had been arrested
B arrested
C is arrested
4. My car is at the garage. It..........
A is being repaired B is repairing
C have been repaired D repaired
5. I can't find my keys. I think ............
A they've been stolen B they are stolen
C they've stolen D they're being stolen
6. We.......... by a loud noise during the night.
A woke up B are woken up
C were woken up D were waking up
7. There's somebody walking behind us. I think............
A we are following B we are being followed
C we are followed D we are being following
8. 'Where ........?' 'In London.'
A were you born B are you born
C have you been born D did you born
9. The train .........arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late.
A supposed to B is supposed to
C was supposed to
10. Where ........? Which hairdresser did you go to?
A did you cut your hair B have you cut your hair
C did you have cut your hair D did you have your hair cut

11 Many accidents ....... by careless driving.
A are causing
B are caused
C caused
12 I don't like ........
A having my photograph taken
B having taken my photograph
C taking my photograph
13 The school.......... in a fire.
A damaged badly
B was badly damaged
C was been damaged badly
14. Everyone .........the opportunity to say what they thought.
A was given
B gave
C was been given
15 The garden fence is falling down. I need .........
A to repaired it
B to get it repaired
C it to get repaired
16 More than 20 people the accident.
A hurt B were hurt
C was hurt D is hurt
17 We couldn't use the drinks machine because it ........
A was repairing
B was being repaired
C had been repaired
D is been repaired
18 Two men are the accident.
A to be killed
B to have been killed
C to have killed

1. Ten zegar nie może być naprawiony.
2. Mój samochód jest właśnie naprawiany.
3. Lody zostały zjedzony przez dzieci.
4.Ciasto zostanie upieczone przez moją mamę.
5.Ta gazeta nie została jeszcze przeczytana.

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