Numer: 33313
Dział: Języki obce

Transformacje - matura rozszerzona, język angielski

be used to/get used to/used to
Juliet finds driving on the left very strange. to
Juliet's ........................................the left.
People in my country usually only have a sandwich at lunchtime. not
People ........................................ lunch at lunchtime.
My parents took me to the cinema every week when I lived at home. to
My parents........................................every week when I lived at home
I always get up early, so it's not a problem for me. to
I'm ........................................up early.
Drinking a lot of tea is new for me. not
I........................................of tea.
After two or three days, you don't notice the cold weather so much. get
In two or three
We've only had this computer for a couple of weeks. getting
We........................................this computer.
In my country it's unusual to queue for the bus. not
People in my country ........................................for the bus.
I think I’ll never get to like cleaning every day. get
I think I’ll ........................................every day.

Mandy has more experience than Sally. as
Sally is........................................ Mandy.
Patrick is certainly more punctual than David. not
John isn't as well qualified as Sally. than
Rod has got more experience than Sue. much
Sue Rod.
Jenny isn't as talkative as Simon. talkative
Simon ........................................ Jenny.
He is not strong enough to do that job. too
He is ........................................ job.
Keith is not as well qualified as Sue. than
Sue ........................................ Keith.
These vegetables are too hard; they're undercooked. have
These ........................................ enough.
This salad is too oily. oil
There ........................................ on this salad.
This cake is too stale to eat. enough
This cake ........................................ to eat.
This hotel is too expensive for a large family. much
This hotel ........................................ family.
The cat can't catch the mice. They run too fast. for
The mice ........................................ them.
Cats aren't as expensive to keeps as dogs. more
Dogs are ........................................ cats.
Man is the cruellest of all animals. cruel
There isn't ........................................ man.
His canary sings better than mine. well
My canary ........................................ his.

have sth done
A shop mended my vacuum cleaner for me. had
I ........................................ mended.
Last week, I took my car to a garage to be washed. had
I ........................................ last week.
Someone is coming to repair the broken window in my house. am
I house repaired.
A famous designer made her clothes. had
She ........................................ a famous designer.
Somebody repaired her bicycle last week. had
She ........................................ last week.
They are rebuilding the house for her presently. is

Look. Mick's a vegetarian, but he's eating roast beef. usually
Mick ........................................ roast beef.
The carpet still needs cleaning, doesn't it? not
The carpet ........................................, has it?
I haven't been to the cinema for two months. since
It's ........................................ the cinema.
It's ages since I saw him last. for
I ........................................ ages.
The plane was losing height ready for landing. about
The ........................................ land.
It was such a cold day that I wore an overcoat. so
The ........................................ an overcoat.
I met Nigel by chance in the supermarket. happened
I ........................................ supermarket.
Her voice was so quiet that I couldn't hear her. a
She ........................................ couldn't hear her.
Daniela should arrive at five o'clock. supposed
Daniela ........................................ five o'clock.

They are designing a new machine. is
A new ........................................ designed.
They have to switch on the photocopier ten minutes before using it. be
The photocopier has ........................................ before use.
A mechanical breakdown caused the delay. by
The delay ........................................ breakdown.
They say she won unfairly. have
The parents made us drink milk every day when we were children. made
As children we........................................milk every day.
Someone will meet you at the airport. be
You ........................................ the airport.
They let us use their laptop. to

I regret going to bed so late last night. wish
I wish ....................................... late last night.
If only I had taken that job in the bank. regret
I regret ........................................ the bank.
Jenny regrets not buying some sunscreen before her holiday wishes
Jenny ........................................ her holiday.
He regrets not telling people it was his birthday. wishes
He ........................................ was his birthday.
I regret not booking the seats in advance. only
If ........................................ in advance.
I wish I'd gone on holiday with my friends. regret
I ........................................ with my friends.

reported speech
'What time is it, Frances?' said Tim. enquired
Tim ........................................ it was.
'Are you coming to the party tonight, Joanna?' said Adam. if
Adam asked ........................................ the party.
'Can I borrow your pen please, Sam?' said Jill. if
Jill ........................................ pen.
“I’ll kill you!” the man said. to
'Do you know what's on at the cinema, James?' said Pam. knew
Pam asked ........................................ the cinema.
Robin advised me to buy shares in Sony. I
Robin suggested ..................................... shares in Sony.
'Have you finished your homework yet Robin?' said Sandra. whether
Sandra asked Robin........................................ homework yet.
‘You stole the money,’ the manager said to Tim. of
Karl asked me what time the meeting would end. will
Karl said: ' ........................................ end?'
Elena said: ' Let’s watch a comedy.' seeing
Elena........................................a comedy.
Luke asked Valerie if she had got a car. you
Luke said: ' ........................................, Valerie?'
'You've broken my radio, Frank!' said Jane accused
Jane ........................................ her radio.

The road workers didn't remove the rubble and that's why the accident happened.
If........................................ happened.
Mary came late and so her boyfriend went mad.
If Mary........................................mad.
You weren't prepared for the exam and so you failed it.
If........................................failed it.
The man was driving too fast. He didn't manage to brake in time.
We didn't sign the deal because we didn't reach an agreement.
You got up too late and that's why you didn't see the sunrise.
I wasn't able to understand the speaker as he was speaking too fast.
We couldn't use the TV set because the aerial was missing.
The policemen didn't recognise the fugitive as he was wearing a false beard.
Because he was drunk he couldn't enter the restaurant.
The kids were making a lot of noise so the neighbors complained about them.
We couldn't save his life. He was injured too badly.
Ben wasn't listening to the tutor. He didn't hear his question, then.
I couldn't invite the girl to dinner because I didn't have enough money.

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