»» ZDALNE NAUCZANIE. U nas znajdziesz i opublikujesz scenariusze ««
Numer: 33312
Dział: Języki obce

Czasy Present Simple i Continuous i past Simple i Continuous - ćwiczenia porównawcze

Ułóż pytanie i przeczenie oraz pytanie szczegółowe

1. She gets up at 8 everyday.
2. I’m at home now
3. I started work last month
4. She spent her money
5. We’re going to park now
6. He finished his homework
7. She’s tidying the house now
8. We work in a bank
9. They were happy yesterday.
10. They meet everyday
11. She saw me last week
12. She always swims in summer.
13. We were driving slowly
14. They bought me a dog
15. He usually uses my computer
16. She was dancing all night
17. She hated him
18. She could see me
19. We usually learn after lunch
20. My sister often reads in bed
21. She can draw well
22. I’m waiting for you.
23. He loves films.
24. She has got a new phone.
25. Madonna is popular.
26. She was sleeping too long
27. Prince William lives in London.
28. They can speak Japanese
29. We wrote a note for Sara
30. They have good books
31. Tim was making tea
32. We could finish earlier
33. We live in New Castle
34. We were watching TV


1. Kiedy wracałam z koncertu, złamałam nogę.
2. Oni mieszkają obok szkoły
3. Ona teraz siedzi i myśli
4. My często jemy zupę na obiad
5. Ona zawsze śpi od 10 do 7
6. Czasami kupuję rzeczy na Internecie
7. Kiedy czytałam książkę przyszedł mój brat
8. Gdzie on był wczoraj popołudniu?
9. Czy ty mnie kochasz?
10. Ta kobieta śpiewała cały dzień.
11. Często spotykam mojego nauczyciela.
12. Uczyłam na lekcje 2 dni.
13. Ona teraz stoi w sklepie
14. Film nie był bardzo interesujący
15. Znalazłam psa w parku.
16. Ludzie śpiewają i tańczą na koncertach
17. Muzyka była bardzo dobra.
18. Rozmawiałam z kolegami z biura kiedy przyszedł szef.
19. Nie mogłam znaleźć moich książek.
20. Policja zatrzymała mnie wczoraj rano

Pr.Simple vs Pr.Continuous.
1. She often.....................................(go) to library but she seldom ................................(read) much there.
2. ........................................(you eat)? I......................................(not eat), I .................................(drink).
3. The bus to Gdańsk........................................(leave) at 8.30 and ........................................(arrive) at 9. 20.
4. We.................................(see) here once a week, but she.................................(not talk) to us.
5. .......................................(you sometimes watch) talk shows? No, but my mum......................................(love) them.
6. Look, she.......................(ride) a bike! Oh, she always..................(ride) to school because she.........................(like) it
7. We.............(come) here often, but Ted.........................(not like) this place and he never ........................(come) with us
8. .......................................(you sometimes play) golf? No, but my dad..............................(do) it often.
9. Look, Ben................................(win) with Tom! Oh, he always.....................................(win).
10. What......................................(she/do) now? She........................................(learn) Geography.
11. What........................................(you/do) for a living? I ........................................(be) a nurse.
12. Water.........................(boil) in 1000 C.

Past Simple vs Past Continuous
1. When I.........................(meet) her, she........................................(buy) flowers.
2. While I.................................(learn) my dad .................................(repair) a car.
3. The sun..................................(shine) when we.......................................(drive) to Croatia.
4. I .........................(phone) my mum when somebody.................................(steal) my car.

Presents / Pasts
1. He.......................................(see) Ben yesterday but I .......................................(not/ meet) him.
2. When he .......................................(wait) for the taxi, he........................................(read) a newspaper.
3. When Ben.................................(eat) lunch, I ........................................(sleep).
4. They usually ........................................(watch) Polsat every evening.
5. She.......................................(break) her arm when she........................................(climb) the mountain.
6. It.....................................(snow) heavily when we.......................................(go) to school.
7. ........................................(you eat) sandwiches yesterday? No, I....................................(eat) them 3 days ago.
8. Teddy........................................(not like) apples but his wife................................(buy) a kilo yesterday.
9. He........................................(work) in a bank, but last year he........................................(work) in a school.
10. Jenny ....................................(wash) the dishes last night and I ................................(wash) them now
11. When I........................................(see) Tom, he........................................(talk) to my brother.
12. I ................................(catch) the mugger when he...................................(try) to take my bag.
13. When I.......................................(go) to work, my mum.....................................(bring) me sandwiches.
14. While I........................................(study) my dad ........................................(water) a garden.
15. When I......................................(watch) the film, Jane......................................(come back) from work.
While I........................................(take) a bath, the phone.......................................(ring) 5 times

Dopasuj określenia czasu, napisz dla jakiego czasu są charakterystyczne.

po, po tym jak
w tej chwili
jak dotąd
jeszcze (nie)

lately, recently
at the moment
so far
seldom, rarely

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