Numer: 25784
Dział: Języki obce

Slave Songs - scenariusz zajęć

Danuta Nowak
Slave Songs

Time: 45 minutes
Level: B1 wg CEF (intermediate) adults
Materials: Video clips and mp3 recordings of songs
Song posters
Video projector and notebook
Topic: Slave Songs
Aim: To discuss the problem of slavery, runaway slaves, abolition in the US, revise narrative tenses

Warm-up (2-3 min.): Brainstorming session: Slaves in the US? Where they came from and why? Slave trade triangle. Plantations in the South (tobacco and cotton fields)....

Introduction (5 min.):
1. What do we know about slave rights?
Singing at work, after work, during the resting time, to their Lord and to their master.
Instructions how to escape, coded songs, the rise of spirituals and gospel music.
Songs presentation: (15 min.):
2. Play the videos, presentation of pictures and posters with background music:
Work songs
Kumbaya (scouting)
Go Down Moses (Prayer)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Spiritual)
Follow the Drinking Gourd (Coded instructions)
Slavery Chains (abolition)
We Shall Overcome (Human rights)
Suggest the song “Go Down Moses” lub “Kumbaya” and repeat the verse (2-3 min.):
3. to let my people go –-----Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya

Follow-up (5 min.):
4. Homework: (Story telling).
Tell a story of one slave boy.

“One day I was hunting in the jungle when ...

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