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Numer: 21958
Dział: Języki obce

"The best in English" - konkurs przedmiotowy z języka angielskiego


Czas trwania konkursu: 45 min
Podczas trwania konkursu nie wolno używać żadnych pomocy naukowych!
Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest prawidłowa. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź uczestnik otrzymuje 1 punkt.

Name and surname........................................, Points........./40


1. Uzupełnij luki brakującymi słowami (1 luka – 1 słowo)

- Hi! ...... areyou?
- I’m ......, thankyou.
- Are ...... Polish?
- No, I’m ...... . I’m British.
- What’s the time?
- It’s half ......... six.
- Thank you.
2. Zakreślpoprawnąodpowiedź.

1. Kate’sdog............4yearsold.
A has B is C are D have

2. There are two............on the table.
A tomato B tomato’s C tomatos D tomatoes

3. ............are you from?
A What B Where C Why D How

4. twenty-seven +fifteen =...............
A fourty-two B thirty-twelve C fifty-two D forty-two

5. Where’s my book? Is............in my schoolbag?
A he B it C we D she

6. This is.............elephant.
A the B that C an D a

7. Where is the hedgehog? It’s.............the chairs.
A between B opposite C next D behind

8. Can you speak German?
A Yes, I am B No, I can’t C No, I can D Yes, I can’t

9. Can you help .......... with .......... homework?
A. me, your
B. your, me
C. me, my
D. you, your
10. .......... that man over there? Is that your uncle?
A. Whose
B. Which
C. Who
D. Who’s

3. Wstaw wyraz pasujący pod względem formy i treści.
1.I often p_ _ _ computer games.
2.My f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TV programme is X-factor.
3.Where is the car? In the g_ _ _ _ _
4.We go for our h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in July.
5.My b_ _ _ friend is Megan. I like her very much.
4. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

1. A: .............
B: He is eleven and a half.
A What time is it? B How many old is Dorin?
C How much is the piano? D How old is Brian?

2. A:.............
B: I’m fine, thanks.
A How old are you? B Who are you? C How are you? D How fine areyou?

3. A:................is this guitar, please?
B: It’s Ł28,67
A How many B How much C How money D How cost

4. Połącz przymiotniki o przeciwstawnym znaczeniu.
1. old A. short
2. tall B. ugly
3. fast C. young
4. pretty D. slow

A 1-D; 2-A; 3-C; 4-B B 1-B; 2-C; 3-A; 4-D
C 1-A; 2-B; 3-D; 4-C D 1-C; 2-A; 3-D; 4-B

6. Jack was born in the United States. He is ..............
A the USA B Americanese C Americanish D American

7. Którychdnitygodniabrakuje?
Sunday, ..............., ................, Wednesday
A Wednesday, Thursday B Monday, Tuesday C Monday, Sunday D Sunday, Friday

8. My sister always has.........bread for .........supper.
A a/the B -/- C any/- D any/some

9. Tom...............frogs.
A likes B isn’t likes C doesn’t like D don’t like

10. Where are you? We..............see you.
A can’t B don’t can C cannot D can

11. A:................is this guitar, please?
B: It’s Ł32,67
A How many B How much C How money D How cost

12. April is the..........month of the year.
A four B forty C fourth D fourteen

5. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst izakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

My name is Mary Brown. I’m eleven years old and I’m in class 6A. My favouritecolour is pink. My school bag is pink. My best friend’s name is Jane. Jane’s favouritecolour is blue. Her school bag is red, not blue. Her jacket is blue. My friend’s dog’s name is Fifi. She is beautiful. She’s black and white. She’s got long black ears and a long tail. She’s got a black nose. She’s got a nice mouth and white teeth. My dog’s name is Bo. He’s black and white too. He’s got short ears. He’s got a short black tail. He’s got a strange mouth and long teeth. He’s ugly but he’s very nice.

Wykorzystano: P. Hancock: ‘New Friends –Test Book’ Longman

1. Mary Brown is.............years old.
A 11 B 6 C 12 D 8

2. Jane’s school bag is.............
A blue B white C red D pink

3. Jane’s dog name is .............
A Fifi B Rex C Bo D Tilly

4. Jane’s dog nose is..............
A white B blue C brown D black

5. Bo is Mary’s....................
A hamster B parrot C dog D cat

6. Zakreślpoprawnąodpowiedź.

1. Big Ben is in...............
A Los Angeles B New York C London D Edinburgh

2. Which character is from the film ‘Shrek’? (Która postać pochodzi z filmu „Shrek”?)
A Simba B Princess Fiona C Sleeping Beauty D Nemo

3. What plant is the symbol of Wales? (Jaka roślina jest symbolem Walii?)
A Rose B Daffodil C Thistle D Shamrock

4. Anglia na mapie Wysp Brytyjskich oznaczona jest literą...................

5. Szkocja na mapie Wysp Brytyjskich oznaczona jest literą ............

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