Numer: 18903
Dział: Języki obce

What colour is it? Lesson plan

Class description: The students in this starter level are between the ages 8-9. There are 8 girls and 9 boys.
Timetable fit: The lesson take place from 8.00 to 8.45 am. on Mondays and Wednesdays. In the past two lessons students have been learning numbers from 1 to 10.
1. To introduce students the names of colours.
2. To give students practise in speaking numbers.
3. To allow students to practise cooperative work.
Topic: What colour is it?
Language skills: listening and speaking.
Vocabulary: yellow, red, blue, green, black, brown, white, orange, pink, brown, grey, purple, colour.
Grammar focus: Formulating simple questions and answers:
What colour is it? It’s blue.
Materials: Cards with coloured numbers, pictures of animals and flowers in different colours, pictures for colouring.

Lesson plan:

Teacher greets students. Tells them what the lesson will be about.
Time: 3 minutes.

Teacher sticks to the blackboard different pictures of animals and flowers. Then asks one of the students point to three dogs, five flowers. Later they mix it up e.g. three cats and two dogs.
Time: 5-7 minutes.
Interaction: Teacher-student.
Aids: blackboard, pictures of animals and flowers.

Teacher uses the pictures stuck to the blackboard. Teacher points to the flower and asks „What is it?” and then asks „What colour is it?”. Teacher answers himself „It’s red”. In this way teacher introduces every colour. Then teacher points to the pictures once again and says „It is blue, it is red...” and asks students repeat after him.
Time: 10-15 minutes.
Interaction: Teacher-studenst.
Aids: blackboard, pictures of animals and flowers.

Teacher gives coloured cards to students. Then he names particular colour and students show the mentioned colour. (They pick up the coloured cards.)
Time: 7 minutes.
Interaction: Teacher-students.
Aids: coloured cards

Teacher gives students coloured numbers from 1 to 10. Every student must find his/her partner. Students walk around the classroom and ask each other „What is your number? What colour is it?”. In this name they link in pairs. When students find their partners teacher gives them a picture. Students must add up the nimbers and then colour the picture.
Time: 13 minutes.
Interaction: Student-student.
Aids: coloured numbers, pictures for colouring.

Students play the game „Touch something blue”. After the game teacher asks students what kind of activity they like best.
Time: 5 minutes.
Interaction: Teacher-students.

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