Numer: 1484
Dział: Języki obce

European languages - plan lekcji



LANGUAGE LEVEL: pre-intermediate
DESCRIPTION OF THE GROUP: a group of 15 students at the age of 15 years from High Junior School.

TOPIC: European languages.

· to make the students aware that knowing a foreign language is useful especially living in the United Europe.
· to provide the students with basic information about the European countries .
· to extend the vocabulary ( countries and nationalities and numbers from 1 to 3 in some European languages)
· to co-operate in pairs and groups
· to practise reading skill and using questionaries.
· to practise the prounciation of some European words

MATERIALS: a set of slips of paper with names of different European countries and corresponding languages per a pair, a copy of a survey ( ‘ In Europe, in English”, Activities for the EFL Classroom, Oxford University Press, 2003.)

TIME: 45 minutes

1. The teacher asks the questions: What foreign languages do you speak?, Why should people learn languages? Is it important to know at least one foreign language living in the United Europe?
2. The students play a game” Find a pair”. Each student gets a slip of paper. Some of the students have a slip of paper with a name of a country, some with the language spoken in the country, e.g. German/ Germany, Sweden/Swedish, etc. The students have to find a partner and stand in the middle of the classroom in pairs.

3. The teacher writes numbers from 1 to 3 in different European lnguages on the blackboard. The students have to identify the languages:
Eins zwei drei.........................
Uno due tre.............................
En tvo tre................................
Un deux trois..........................
Uno dos tres...........................

The teacher gives the answers and the students check theirs.

4. The teacher provides the students with a copy of the survey which was conducted in some Europeans countries in order to find out what Europeans think of learning foreign languages. The students hve to read the results and fill in the gaps in each sentence with the correct numbers if they do not know the correct answer try to predict it. They work in groups of four students and then check the answers with the teacher.
26%, 53%, 71%, 72 %, 93%
a...........of parents say their children should learn a foreign language.
b...........of Europeans think that knowing a foreign language is useful.
c...........think that everyone in the European Union should speak one European language in addition to their mother tongue.
d...........of Europeans say they can speak at least one European language in addition to their mother tongue.
e...........say they can speak two European foreign languages.


The students are asked to find diffrent goods that come from the European countries at their homes, at shops or in streets and make a list of their names,e.g. a Spanish car-SEAT, Pizza Corner, etc.

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