Numer: 11895
Dział: Języki obce

Test do podręcznika Laser B 1+ (unit9)

Name and surname________________________

Test Unit 9

1. Przetłumacz na język angielski:
stacking shelves
embark on

2. Przetłumacz na język angielski:
wypłata roczna lub miesięczna
wynajmować kogoś
średni, przeciętny
radzić sobie z czymś
być na strajku
być na prowizji

3. Uzupełnij:
Have Take Make Do

Your duty / up your mind /an arrangement /part in something /someone a favour /a break/ certain /a complaint / a difference / the best of something /sure / an effect /turns

4. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą słów w nawiasach:

This firm prides itself in the way it treats its (EMPLOY)______________________________.
I am Mr Johnson' s personal (ASSIST)____________________________.
I have spoken to the (MANAGE) ____________________ director.
If you have got a problem, talk to your _________________________(SUPERVISE).
Anna is a (TRAIN)____________________ accountant at the moment.

5. Połącz dwa zdania używając odpowiedniego relative clause.

Jean and Toby are coming to dinner tonight. (they are colleagues of mine) _______________________________________________________________________________
That office is the biggest in the building. (It is Mr Phillipson's)
Dave wasn't offered the job.(It is a shame).
My new worker seems very responsible. (His name is Gareth)
Tracy didn't come to work today. (Elaine told me she is leving the company)

6. Uzupełnij:
a) the person who leads the orchestra - c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b) a street musician – b _ _ _ _ _
c) a place where CDs are produced – r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _
d) the person who supervises the making of CDs – r _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. Uzupełnij zdania stosując konstrukcję CAUSATIVE
You love your car, don’t you? Yes, I_________________________________(it/service) every year. I have some problems with my eyes. I___________________________________(must/they/check) Do you usually buy your clothes or do you__________________________ (make/they) by a tailor? My hair is horrible. I ________________________________(must/it/do) as fast as possible. It’s my mother’s portrait. She ___________________________________ten years ago. (it/paint) The roof is leaking. I ____________________________________tomorrow. (it/fix). Our company needs changes. We__________________________by PR people (the image/change).

9. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim słowem:
I had to fill __________ five different documents.
She is thinking of setting _________ a computer company.
This company was taken ___________ by a huge multinational corporation.
Pointless paperwork takes __________ far too much of my time.
Wendy is going to put __________ for a pay rise this year.

10. Dokonaj transformacji zdań:

If the boss deserves a pay rise, the workers do too. HOLDS
The idea that the boss deserves a pay rise _________________________________________the workers too.

You will only be sacked if you do something seriously wrong. SACK
You __________________________________________________unless you do something seriously wrong.

Most of our income from sales goes on salaries. EAT
Salaries ______________________________________________________ most of our income from sales.

Two secretaries were busy typing letters. WHO
There _________________________________________________________busy typing letters.

Adam wasn't able to attend the sales conference this year. CHANCE
Adam___________________________________________________ to attend sales conference this year.

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