Numer: 9336
Dział: Języki obce

Szkolny konkurs z języka angielskiego


Imię i Nazwisko ........................................

Część leksykalno –gramatyczna

Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź

1 My sister _______ very tired today
A be B am C is D are

2 His _______ is a famous actress.
A aunt B uncle C grandfather D son

3 I’d like to be a _______ and work in a hospital.
A lawyer B surgeon C white-collar worker D waitress

4 We _______ like rap music.
A doesn’t B isn’t C aren’t D don’t

5 There _______ a lot of water on the floor. What happened?
A are B is C be D am

6 He _______ TV at the moment.
A watches B is watching C watched D has watching

7 Helen is very _______. She doesn’t go out a lot.
A bored B confident C angry D shy

8 Did you _______ to the beach yesterday?
A went B were C go D goed

9 Have you got _______ orange juice? I’m thirsty.
A some B a C any D the

10 Let’s go into _______ garden. It’s sunny outside.
A a B any C – D the

11 He’s _______ for the next train.
A looking B waiting C listening D paying

12 Mark _______ his car last week.
A cleaned B did clean C has cleaned D is cleaning

13 I bought some lovely red _______ today.
A cabbages B cucumbers C bananas D apples

14.this time next year I_______________in Madrit.
A.will be working working C.will work

15.I’m ____________________ I can’t help you with that.
A. apologise B.sad C.regret D.afraid

16.It’s________________ to drive a car over 115 km/ph in UK
A. illegal B unlegal C.dislegal D. legaless

17. I_____________________ the report by 5 p.m.. You can have it then.
A .finish B. am finishing C. will finish D. will have finished

18.He asked me if I _______ a lift home.
A wanted B want C was wanting D had wanted

19If I _______ older, I’d be able to vote in elections.
A had B am C were D have

20.The criminal _______ outside the hotel last night.
A was caught B has been caught C is caught D caught

21. Because of the snow the teachers _______ all the students to go home early.
A said B made C told D demanded

22.There’s a lot of rubbish in the garden I need to get _______ of.
A lost B rid C cleared D taken

23.I’m afraid it’s time we _______.
A leave B must leave C are leaving D left

24.OK, I______________________in front of the cinema at 7. Bye.
A. will see you B. am seeing you C see you going to see you

25. I have never been to ________________Tatra Mountains yet.
A. a B.the C.-

Wiedza o krajach angielskiego obszaru językowego

Zdecyduj czy podane zdania są prawdziwe (true-T) czy nie(false-F)

1.The name of The American flag is “Union Stars”
2.New york is often called “The Big Apple”
3. The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA in 1886 by England.
4.The capital of Wales is Cardiff.

5.The Beatles and Led Zeppelin are both from the U.K.

6.The London underground is ___ commonly called "The Tube".

7. Everybody speaks English, but Welsh and Gaelic are also spoken in parts of the U.K.

8. The first capital of England was Winchester.

9. The national anthem of the United Kingdom is God save England.

10. The Victoria and Albert, The British, and The Science are all famous museums in London.

11.Shakespeare was born in Oxford.

12. The river which runs through Oxford is the Thames.

13. Most London taxis are yellow.

14. Heathrow, Stanstead and Gatwick are the three airports of London.

15. The traditional Scottish skirt is called kilt.
Reagowanie językowe

1.Zastanawiasz się nad wyjazdem nad morze. Jak poinformujesz o tym koleżankę?
A Let’s go to the seaside together.
B I think I’ll go to the seaside.
C. You should go to the seaside.

2. Nie możesz sobie poradzić z automatem do napojów. Jak poprosisz przechodnia o pomoc?
A Do you know how this machine works?
B I have to ask somebody for help.
C This machine is out of order, isn’t it?

3. Widziałeś/aś ostatnio bardzo dobry film i chcesz go polecić koleżance. Jak to zrobisz?
A Have you seen that film yet?
B Can you recommend me a good film?
C You must see that film. It’s brillant

4. Chcesz się dowiedzieć, jakie plany na wieczór ma twój kolega. Jak to zrobisz?
A Why don’t we go to the cinema tonight?
B Are you doing anything special tonight?
C Can you plan something for t

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