Numer: 876
Dział: Języki obce

Scenariusz przedstawienia: "Opowieść wigilijna" na podstawie "A Christmas Carol" Ch. Dickensa - w wersji angielskiej


Scenariusz przedstawienia na podstawie "Opowieści wigilijnej" Charlesa Dickensa wystawionego w Gimnazjum w Bestwinie dla społeczności uczniowskiej i nauczycieli dnia 21.12.2006 i 18.01.2007 dla rodziców i zaproszonych gości.

Scenografia - parawan, który dzieli świat sztuki jakby na dwa światy
(1. -teraźniejszość – biuro i mieszkanie Scrooge’a; 2. –przeszłość, przyszłość i sceny w domu Freda i Cratchita). Na scenie także kilka kolorowo ubranych choinek oraz porozmieszczane w różnych miejscach dekoracje świąteczne, ławeczka; scena przed parawanem symbolizuje ulicę.
Po jednej stronie parawanu biurko oraz dwa krzesła, wieszak stojący.

Akt I

Scena 1:

Tłum ludzi przechadzających się i składających sobie życzenia, przedświąteczny gwar. Samotnie przemykający mężczyzna (Scrooge). W tle wesoła, świąteczna melodia.

Scena 2:

W kantorze, przybycie siostrzeńca Freda, ponura atmosfera, Cratchit szczękający zębami z zimna, Scrooge siedzi za biurkiem.

FRED: Merry Christmas, Uncle! God save you!
(dzwonek i Fred wchodzi, radośnie, z werwą)
SCROOGE: Merry Christmas?? Nonsense. Christmas is a humbug!
FRED: Christmas a humbug, Uncle! You don't mean that, I am sure?
SCROOGE: I do. Merry Christmas! What right have you to be merry? What reason have you to be merry? You're poor enough. (w tle dźwięk monet)
FRED: Come then, what right have you to be dismal? What reason have you to be morose? You're rich enough.
SCROOGE: Bah! Humbug! Good bye!
FRED: Uncle, Christmas is the time of happiness, love and forgiveness. This is the only day of the year when people open their hearts. God bless it!
CRATCHIT: O!, yes, that’s true (nieśmiało)
SCROOGE: Keep Christmas in your own way, and let me keep it in mine. Good bye!
FRED: Don't be cross, Uncle. Come! Dine with us to-morrow.
SCROOGE: I'll dine in Hell first. Good bye!
FRED: Merry Christmas!
SCROOGE: Good bye! (wrzask)

Scena 3:

Przybycie dwóch kobiet

CRATCHIT: I really don’t think this is a good time.
FIRST LADY: (wchodzi z drugą kobietą, Cratchit za nimi)
It’s as good a time as any other.
SECOND LADY: Scrooge and Marley's, I believe. Have we the pleasure of addressing Mr. Scrooge, or Mr. Marley?
SCROOGE: Addressing Mr. Marley would be no pleasure. He has been dead for seven years. (niegrzeczne odburknięcie)(Scrooge patrzy na Cratchita wściekły)
CRATCHIT: (wraca do biurka) I’m sorry sir I… (to the Ladies) Merry Christmas, Ladies… I’ll just be getting back to work now.
SCROOGE: Excellent, Mr. Cratchit. (To Ladies) Mr. Marley died seven years ago this very night.
FIRST LADY: On Christmas Eve! What a pity!
SCROOGE: It’s as good a time as any other to die.
FIRST LADY: At this time of the year we should make some provision for the poor who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands need common necessaries, hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts.
SCROOGE: Are there no prisons? (zmarszczona twarz, zaciśnięte usta). And the workhouses, they are still in operation?
SECOND LADY: They are. Still I wish I could say they were not.
SCROOGE: Oh! I was afraid that something had happened to stop them in their useful course. I am very glad to hear it. (z satysfakcją)
FIRST LADY: A few of us started to raise a fund to buy the poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth, MrScrooge
SECOND LADY: (Music from the street) We choose this time because it is a time, of all others, when want is keenly felt and abundance rejoices. What shall we put you down for, Mr. Marley?
SCROOGE: Nothing!
FIRST LADY: You wish to be anonymous?
SCROOGE: I wish to be left alone. Since you ask me what I wish, that is my answer. I don't make merry myself at Christmas, and I can't afford to make lazy people merry.
SECOND LADY: Many might die.
SCROOGE: It's not my business. It's enough for me to understand my own business, and not to interfere with other people's. Good bye!.

Scena 4:

Scrooge powraca do domu. Ubiera czapkę, bierze parasol. Przeciska się przez tłum ludzi na ulicy. W tym czasie zmiana dekoracji: w domu - ponure wnętrze, łóżko, biurko. Dziwne dźwięki- skrzypienie drzwi, dzwonek, szczęk łańcuchów.

SCROOGE: Humbug. I don’t believe in ghosts.
(Pojawienie się zjawy w łańcuchach, w poszarpanej szacie, niedowierzanie skąpca, straszliwe odgłosy i sam głos Marleya)
MARLEY: (wchodzi) Eebeeneezeer Scrooooogeeee!
SCROOGE: Marley? What do you want with me.
MARLEY: Much. In life I was your partner, Jacob Marley.
You don't believe in me?
SCROOGE: I don't.
(Ukrywa niepokój)
(Jęk ducha, złowieszcze dźwięki, przerażenie Scrooge'a)
SCROOGE: You are fettered. Tell me why?
MARLEY: (Pobrzękuje łańcuchami.)
I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link and yard by yard. It is a ponderous chain.
SCROOGE: Jacob. Old Jacob Marley, tell me more. But speak comfort to me.
MARLEY: I am here tonight to warn you that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate. A chance and hope, Ebenezer.
You will be visited by Three Spirits.
SCROOGE: I think I'd rather not.
MARLEY: Without their visits you cannot avoid the path I tread. Expect the first tomorrow, when the bell tolls one. And the second on the next night at the same hour. The third upon the next night. Look that, for your own sake.
(Odgłosy - płacz, lamenty, pobrzękiwanie łańcuchów; teatr cieni)
SCROOGE: (zmęczony zasypia)

Akt II

Scena 1

Przebudzenie bohatera. Bicie zegara. Narastający niepokój.

SCROOGE: Expect the first spirit when the bell tolls one. – do siebie przerażony.
One and nothing (z ulgą)... Who and what are you ?! (panika)
PAST: I am the ghost of Christmas Past. Your past.
SCROOGE: What business brings you here?
PAST: Your happiness, your salvation, your welfare.
Rise and walk with me.
Scrooge ubiera się, na piżamę może ubrać długi płaszcz, zabiera parasol. Idą razem z duchem, lub Scrooge idzie sam, towarzyszy mu jedynie głos ducha(łatwiej zrobić) zagląda(ją) za parawan. (Wykorzystanie drugiego planu za parawanem: współczesność i przeszłość oddzielona parawanem).

Odsłona 1:

Mały chłopiec w sali, czyta książkę. Wszyscy pojechali na święta do domu.

SCROOGE: How lonely I felt those days!... my father never allowed me to come home for Christmas...I’d like...
PAST: What’s the matter?
SCROOGE: oh! Nothing. Yesterday I drove away a little boy of my office. I’d like to give him something...
PAST: Let us see another Christmas here.

Odsłona 2:

Szkoła, do pokoju wchodzi dziewczynka.

FAN: (Enters) Ebenezer. Dear, dear brother I have come to bring you home dear brother, to bring you home!
FAN: Yes! Home, Ebenezer. At least for Christmas. Father is so much kinder than he used to be, that home's like Heaven! We're to be together all the Christmas long, and have the merriest time in all the world. (They Exit.)
PAST: She died a young woman and had, as I think, children.
SCROOGE: One child.
PAST: True, your nephew, Fred.
PAST: Come, let us see another Christmas.

Odsłona 3:

(Ławka stoi na scenie( na ulicy) cały czas, od początku sztuki, najlepiej ogrodowa.)

Na ławce dwoje ludzi. Młoda kobieta ociera łzy.

KOBIETA: You are changed Ebenezer. There is something else in your heart. Gold became the most important in your life.
MĘŻCZYZNA: I made business decisions to secure the future. Our future.
KOBIETA: Only money is on your mind. And so I release you from your "contract". (Oddaje mu pierścionek.)
SCROOGE: Spirit, Why do you delight in torturing me?
PAST: I told you, these are but the shadows of the things that have been. That they are what they are, do not blame me.
SCROOGE: I do not wish to see any more. Conduct me home.
PAST: Very well.

(Powrót do domu, w tle kolęda.)


Scrooge śpi. Zbliża się pierwsza. Zegar, niepokojące dźwięki. Przebudzenie. Słyszy głos ducha.

PRESENT: Merry Christmas. Come here, man, and know me better.
SCROOGE: Who are you?
PRESENT: I am the Ghost of Christmas Present. Look upon me! You must come to know me better, little man.
SCROOGE: Spirit, conduct me where you will. Last night I learnt a lesson which is working on me now.
Motyw wędrówki, Scrooge wstaje, ubiera się, bierze parasol, wychodzi. Zagląda za parawan. A tam:

Odsłona 1:

Mieszkanie kancelisty Boba Cratchita. Przygotowania do wieczerzy. Mały Tim siedzi, przy nim kule.

CRATCHIT: Oh my dear- such a day. Such a day. I have everything a man could wish for, his family around him on Christmas day. Come, let’s have a toast. I give you Mr. Scrooge. The founder of the feast.
MRS CRATCHIT: Founder of the feast, indeed. I wish I had him here. I'd give him a piece of my mind to feast on, and I hope he'd have a good appetite for it.
CRATCHIT: My dear, the children. It's Christmas Day.
MRS CRATCHIT: It should be Christmas Day, I'm sure, on which one drinks the health of such a stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge. You know he is, Robert. Nobody knows it better than you, poor fellow.
CRATCHIT: My dear, Christmas Day.
MRS CRATCHIT: I'll drink his health for your sake and the Day's. Not for His. Long Life to him. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He'll be very merry and very happy, I've no doubt. Mr. Scrooge.
ALL: Mr. Scrooge (They drink.)
CRATCHIT: And to Us. God Bless Us.

SCROOGE: Tell me, Spirit, if Tiny Tim will live.

PRESENT: I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney corner, and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the future, the child will die.
SCROOGE: No. Oh, no Spirit, say he will be saved.
PRESENT: If the future doesn’t change no one sees Tim.
Scrooge smutny, przerażony. Kolęda w tle.
Niewielka zmiana dekoracji, łatwa do zrobienia przez Freda i jego żonę. Trzeba mieć w pogotowiu: obrus, talerzyki, szklanki lub filiżanki.

Odsłona 2:

Mieszkanie Freda. Stół świątecznie nakryty lub rozmawiając nakrywają do stołu.

FRED: He said Christmas was a humbug! He's a comical old fellow, that's the truth, and not so pleasant as he might be. However, his offences carry their own punishment, and I have nothing to say against him.
ŻONA FREDA: I am told he's very rich.
FRED: His wealth is of no use to him. He doesn't do any good with it. He doesn't even make himself comfortable.
ŻONA FREDA: I have no patience with him.
FRED: Oh, I have. I am sorry for him. I couldn't be angry with him if I tried. Who suffers! Himself, always. Here, he won't come and dine with us. And he has to be alone on Christmas Day. I will be inviting him every year. Maybe one day...
ŻONA FREDA: Don’t count on it. He will never change!
FRED: Let him be as he wishes. Le’s sing a carol!

Uczniowie (np. chór szkolny) wychodzą i śpiewają kolędę, w tym czasie zmiana dekoracji. Znów dom Scrooga.

Akt IV

(Bicie zegara. Zjawa w czarnej pelerynie, w ręku kosa.)
SCROOGE: Are you the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come ? (brak odpowiedzi)

- Are you coming to show me my future?
- Could you say something to me? I’m scared. (Duch wskazuje drogę.)Scrooge stoi z boku patrząc na swój pokój w przyszłości, zdumiony nie wie, co się dzieje.

Odsłona 1:

Ponure pomieszczenie. Czworo ludzi (praczka, służąca, karawaniarz, stary Joe).

SŁUŻĄCA: Do not be surprised! A man should always take care of his business. He did it all his life.
PRACZKA: You are right.
SŁUŻĄCA; So, Why are you standing and looking at my bundle with such fright? No one tells anybody.
PRACZKA: Of course not!
SŁUŻĄCA: Nothing happens if we take some things. I’m even convinced they should be ours. The old mean man deserved this. He died lonely without a good word.
PRACZKA: That’s true. He deserved it.
SŁUŻĄCA:Joe, take a look what I brought and tell me how much you’ll give me for it?
(Joe wypłaca im pieniądze za przyniesione rzeczy)
SŁUŻĄCA: Cha, cha, cha! Incredible! All his life he was mean and now after his death people came and took something for themselves. (Zdzierają koc, prześcieradło z lóżka.)
SCROOGE: I can understand everything now. This man they are talking about could have been myself if I had lead such a life. What’s that?!

Scrooge przechodzi i patrzy za parawan, gdzie jest teraz przyszłość.

Odsłona 2:

Mieszkanie Boba Cratchita. Na podłodze leżą kule.

ŻONA: We loved him so much. He passed away. (płacz)
BOB: We will go there as often as we can... I promised him,....every Sunday.... My Tim, poor little son....(z łkaniem)

SCROOGE: Spirit! Here not so far is my flat and I live there. Let me see my future.
(Duch popycha go w innym kierunku.)

Odsłona 3:

Tę scenę można zrobić przed parawanem, z boku np. z lewej strony ulicy.
Cmentarz. Grób z nazwiskiem Ebenezer Scrooge.

SCROOGE: So that was me!... lying dead?! So that was me grabbed after death? No! No! Spirit! Listen to me! (przerażenie, histeria) I am not the same man I was before...Good Spirit tell me that I can change my future? Tell me, please. I beg you! Tell me that this inscription can disappear.

(Scrooge szamocze się z duchem, pada na kolana, płacze i krzyczy, błaga o litość. Zjawa znika.)

Akt V

Scrooge stoi sam na ulicy, zdruzgotany, blady. Pada na kolana.

SCROOGE: I will remember the past, the present and the future. Thanks God and Christmas for the chance I have been given. (Wstaje) I will change everything! I’m sure!
(Chodzi w tę i z powrotem, zdenerwowany, myśli, co zrobić.)
- I know what to do!(uśmiecha się). I feel so happy. I wish Merry Christmas everyone! And a Happy New Year! To All the world Happy Christmas!

- What the day is it today?? pyta pierwszego przechodnia, małego chłopca.
CHŁOPIEC: What day?? It’s Christmas!
SCROOGE: So I haven’t lost him! The Ghosts did everything in one night!...
Boy, listen to me! Get a big turkey, I am giving you half a pound. Hurry up! I’ll send it to Bob, my worker. (euforia, śmiech, chłopiec zdziwiony patrzy na Scrooge’a, ogląda się za nim kręcąc głową z niedowierzaniem).

Odsłona 1:

(Na ulicy)

SCROOGE: Good morning Dear Lady! I hope you raised a lot of money for the poor. I’m glad I can help.
First lady: Mr Scrooge?! (ze zdziwieniem)
SCROOGE: Forgive me my yesterday, please. Could I offer...(szepcze do ucha drugiej kobiecie)
Second Lady Really?! Dear Mr Scrooge, are you serious?
SCROOGE: Of course. With pleasure.

Odsłona 2:

W mieszkaniu Freda. Świąteczny nastrój, zaproszeni goście.

SCROOGE: Fred! (od drzwi, w rękach mnóstwo kolorowych torebek z prezentami)
FRED: My Goodness! Who’s that?
SCROOGE: That’s me! Your uncle. I came for dinner. Could I get in?

(Gorące powitanie, swobodne teksty, rozdawanie prezentów, można włączyć dzielenie się opłatkiem, wesoły gwar, rozpromieniony Scrooge)


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