»» ZDALNE NAUCZANIE. U nas znajdziesz i opublikujesz scenariusze ««
Numer: 8311
Dział: Języki obce

Test diagnozujący znajomość czasów przyszłych z kluczem


ZAPISZ CZASOWNIKI W ODPOWIEDNIEJ FORMIE (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous, be going to)
1.Perhaps I / lend / you some money tomorrow ........................................
2.Maybe the postman / come / on Tuesday. ........................................
3.She / be/ ready in a moment. ........................................
4.They think that they /sell/ their house tomorrow. ........................................
5.I/ work / for 2 days next week. ........................................
6.Look at those clouds! It/ snow / ........................................
7.I /talk/ to John tonight. ........................................
8.We / buy/ a computer soon. ........................................
9.I /call/ you back in 5 minutes. ........................................
10.They / publish/ his new novel by September. ........................................
11.I promise I / visit/ uncle John next Saturday. ........................................
12.I am afraid that she/lose/ her match. ........................................
13.I am sure she /recover/ from flu soon. ........................................
14.What are you going to do? We / take/ a rest. ........................................
15.I believe he /be/ a very good president. ........................................
16.I don’t think that he /give/ you your money back. ........................................
17.She / do/ the shopping for 2 hours tomorrow. ........................................
18.At 5 pm next Friday my mum /cook/dinner. ........................................
19.Probably they / win/ the match. ........................................
20./lend you/ me some money? ........................................
21.Ok. I / slow/ down! ........................................
22.This time next month I /fly/ to Mexico. ........................................
23.I / ride/ on the bicycle this afternoon. ........................................
24.By next Monday Mary /work/ in this shop for a year........................................
25.At 11 pm. Next Sunday she / sleep/. ........................................
26.They /install/ a TV-set from 11 am.to1 pm. tomorrow. ........................................
27.I expect I /finish / work tomorrow . ........................................
28.He / not write /the report until tomorrow. ........................................
29.We/ do/ this job by the end of the week. ........................................
30.They /return/ from a world tour by Easter. ........................................
31.By 2008 he /learn/ English for 5 years. ........................................
32.I / wash up/ before I get back. ........................................
33.By next week they /sell/ five thousand cars. ........................................
34.What /you do/ when you finish school? ........................................
35.Tom /look/ for a job for the next couple of weeks. ........................................
36.I / play / basketball tomorrow morning. ........................................
37. I /watch/ TV for 5 hours next Friday. ........................................
38. John /wait/ for your call this afternoon........................................
39.I am sure you /find/ the right solution to your problem. ........................................
40.I know that Linda/ not be / at the meeting. ........................................
41.He /read / this book for next week - end. ........................................
42.I /live/ in this flat for two years by January........................................
43.By 11 o’clock I / exercise/ for 50 minutes. ........................................
44.By next April we /work / here for 2 years. ........................................
45.By Monday I /wait/ for two weeks for his call. ........................................
46.By the end of this party he / finish / it . ........................................
47.By the time Jack arrives, Ann /already/cook / the meal. ........................................
48.I/see/ my dentist today. ........................................
49./you hold / the door for me, please? ........................................
50.I promise I /wrIte / soon. ........................................

1. Perhaps I / lend / you some money tomorrow will lend
2. Maybe the postman / come / on Tuesday. Will come
3. She / be/ ready in a moment. Will be
4. They think that they /sell/ their house tomorrow. Will sell
5. I/ work / for 2 days next week. Will be working
6. Look at those clouds! It/ snow / is going to snow
7. I /talk/ to John tonight. am talking
8. We / buy/ a computer soon. Will buy
9. I /call/ you back in 5 minutes. Will call
10. They / publish/ his new novel by September. Will have published
11. I promise I / visit/ uncle John next Saturday. Will visit
12. I am afraid that she/lose/ her match. Will lose
13. I am sure she /recover/ from flu soon. Will recover
14. What are you going to do? We / take/ a rest. Are going to take
15. I believe he /be/ a very good president. Will be
16. I don’t think that he /give/ you your money back. Will give
17. She / do/ the shopping for 2 hours tomorrow. Will be doing
18. At 5 pm next Friday my mum /cook/dinner. Will be cooking
19. Probably they / win/ the match. Will win
20. /lend you/ me some money, please ? will you lend me
21. Ok. I / slow/ down! Will slow down
22. This time next month I /fly/ to Mexico. Will be flying
23. I / ride/ on the bicycle this afternoon. Am riding
24. By next Monday Mary /work/ in this shop for a year. Will have been working
25. At 11 pm. next Sunday she / sleep/. Will be sleeping
26. They /install/ a TV-set from 11 am to1 pm. tomorrow. Will be installing
27. I expect I /finish / work tomorrow . will finish
28. He / not write /the report until tomorrow. Will not (won`t)have written
29. We/ do/ this job by the end of the week. Will have done
30. They /return/ from a world tour by Easter. Will have returned
31. By 2008 he /learn/ English for 5 years. Will have been learning
32. I / wash up/ before I get back. Will wash up
33. By next week they /sell/ five thousand cars. Will have sold
34. What /you do/ when you finish school? Are you doing/will you be doing
35. Tom /look/ for a job for the next couple of weeks. will be looking
36. I / play / basketball tomorrow morning. Will be playing/am playing
37. I /watch/ TV for 5 hours next Friday. Will be watching
38. John /wait/ for your call this afternoon. Is waiting
39. I am sure you /find/ the right solution to your problem. Will find
40. I know that Linda/ not be / at the meeting. Won`t be/ will not be
41. He /read / this book for next week - end. Will be reading
42. I /live/ in this flat for two years by January. Will have been leaving
43. By 11 o’clock I /do/ exercises for 50 minutes. Will have been doing
44. By next April we /work / here for 2 years. Will have been working
45. By Monday I /wait/ for two weeks for his call. Will have been waiting
46. By the end of this party he / finish / it . will have finished
47. By the time Jack arrives, Ann /cook / the meal. Will have cooked
48. I/see/ my dentist today. Am seeing
49. /you hold / the door for me, please? Will you hold
50. I promise I /write / soon. Will write

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