Numer: 8308
Dział: Języki obce

Test diagnozujący leksykalno - gramatyczny dla uczniów klas drugich gimnazjum

1.You will be very famous if you .......... your biography.
a) will publish b) publish c) published
2.Before my grandpa became a sculptor, he at school for many years.
a) had taught b) has taught c) had been teaching
3.Your nails are too long, you must .............
a) have cut them b) have them cut c) to have them cut
4. I can’t buy this CD. I haven’t got .................
a) money enough b) enough money c) some money
5. They like spending their holidays on ................. Shetlands.
a) - b) the c) a
6.I feel sick. I ............ go to bed, if you don’t mind.
a) ‘d rather b) prefer c) ‘d like
7. My cousin ............. an excellent post last week.
a) is offered b) has been offered c) was offered
8.He would get this job if he .............. less nervous.
a) were b) is c) will be
9. Although it was a sunny day, she .......... stay at home.
a) should b) must have to c) had to
10. She asked me what ............. to order for lunch
a) does he like b) He liked c) does he likes
11.I see your helicopter is not ready yet. How long ............... it?
a) have you repair b) are you repairing c) have you been repairing
12. I would like to know where my English teacher.................. recently
a) had lived b) has lived c) lived
13.I have a terrible toothache . .............. call a dentist for me?
a) Could you b) Did you c) Do you
14. I did not understand that lecture! .............
a) So did I. b) Neither did I . c) Neither I did.
15.We bought these potatoes yesterday, .............?
a) did we b) didn’t we c) bought we
16.When he was eight, he .............. watch TV every day, but now he hasn’t got so much free time.
a) uses to b) didn’t use to c) used to
17. I have never seen ............. beautiful portrait.
a) such a b) so c) such
18. Could you please give this report to the Managing Director as soon as ...................
a) he would arrive b) he arrived c) he arrives
19.Mr Bauer wouldn’t have had that nasty car crash if he ..................
a) has been more careful b) had been more careful c) would be more careful
20. Jane ............. her mother last Tuesday but she completely forgot.
a) should have visited b) had to have visited c) had visited
21. Never ............ such an interesting film!
a) have I watched b) I have watched c) I had watched
22. I wish I ............. that man yesterday.
a) would meet b) would have met c) had met
23. It is high time we .......................
a) left b) are leaving c) leave
24. How long........................................English?
a) have you been learning b) you learn c) do you learn
25. You .......................smoke cigarettes inside the train
a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) don’t

1. Zapytaj o drogę do najbliższej poczty.
2. Zapytaj w sklepie o możliwość wymiany towaru.
3. Zapytaj o cenę biletu lotniczego do Londynu.
4. Zamów frytki z kurczakiem z podwójnym keczupem.
5.Zapytaj się czy możesz pójść do ubikacji


1.You will be very famous if you .......... your biography.
a) will publish b) publish c) published
2.Before my grandpa became a sculptor, he at school for many years.
a) had taught b) has taught c) HAD been teaching
3.Your nails are too long, you must .............
a) have cut them b) have them cut c) to have them cut
4. I can’t buy this CD. I haven’t got .................
a) money enough b) enough money c) some money
5. They like spending their holidays on ................. Shetlands.
a) - b) the c) a
6.I feel sick. I ............ go to bed, if you don’t mind.
a) ‘d rather b) prefer c) ‘d like
7. My cousin ............. an excellent post last week.
a) is offered b) has been offered c) was offered
8.He would get this job if he .............. less nervous.
a) were b) is c) will be
9. Although it was a sunny day, she .......... stay at home.
a) should b) must have to c) had to
10. She asked me what ............. to order for lunch
a) does he like b) He liked c) does he likes
11.I see your helicopter is not ready yet. How long ............... it?
a) have you repair b) are you repairing c) have you been repairing
12. I would like to know where my English teacher.................. recently
a) had lived b) has lived c) lived
13.I have a terrible toothache . .............. call a dentist for me?
a) Could you b) Did you c) Do you
14. I did not understand that lecture! .............
a) So did I. b) Neither did I . c) Neither I did.
15.We bought these potatoes yesterday, .............?
a) did we b) didn’t we c) bought we
16.When he was eight, he .............. watch TV every day, but now he hasn’t got so much free time.
a) uses to b) didn’t use to c) used to
17. I have never seen ............. beautiful portrait.
a) such a b) so c) such
18. Could you please give this report to the Managing Director as soon as ...................
a) he would arrive b) he arrived c) he arrives
19.Mr Bauer wouldn’t have had that nasty car crash if he ..................
a) has been more careful b) had been more careful c) would be more careful
20. Jane ............. her mother last Tuesday but she completely forgot.
a) should have visited b) had to have visited c) had visited
21. Never ............ such an interesting film!
a) have I watched b) I have watched c) I had watched
22. I wish I ............. that man last week.
a) would meet b) would have met c) had met
23. It is high time we .......................
a) left b) are leaving c) leave
24. How long........................................English?
a) have you been learning b) you learn c) do you learn
25. You .......................smoke cigarettes inside the train
a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) don’t

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