Numer: 7536
Dział: Języki obce

Test powtórzeniowy dla klas IV-VI - język angielski

Test powtórzeniowy dla klas IV-VI nr 2
I. Wybierz najlepszą możliwość, aby uzupełnić zdanie.
1. My name ........ Sandra.
a) are
b) is
c) am
2. ........................................ Italy?
a) Is she
b) Is she from
c) Comes she from
3. They ....................................... jazz.
a) not like
b) doesn’t like
c) don’t like
4. There’s a table ............... the right of the door.
a) on
b) in
c) at
5. There’s a washbasin .................... the corner of the room.
a) in
b) to
c) on
6. There aren’t ........................ cinemas here.
a) some
b) any
c) the
7. You ................................ play loud music at night.
a) mustn’t
b) haven’t
c) mustn’t to
8. They ........................................ at nine o’clock.
a) get up usually
b) usually get up
c) get usually up
9. It’s not fair. You ........................................
a) win always
b) always are winning
c) always win
10. ........................................ a drink? – Yes, please.
a) Are you liking
b) Would you like
c) Could you like
11. She phones me ........................................
a) twice a week
b) two a week
c) twice times a week
12. I ...................................... a postcard to my parents now.
a) write
b) am writing
c) writing
13. The tickets ...................................... very well at the moment.
a) don’t sell
b) aren’t selling
c) sold
14. I’ve got ................. milk.
a) some
b) any
c) much
15. He hasn’t got ............................. friends.
a) some
b) the
c) any
16. What ...................................... to do this afternoon.
a) you going
b) are you going
c) you are going
17. Are we going to have eggs for breakfast? – Yes, we ....................
a) have
b) are
c) going to
18. Arsenal ...................................... in the Cup Final tomorrow.
a) are playing
b) play
c) playing
19. He is journalist ................... interviewed the champion.
a) who
b) he
c) which
20. This is the house .............................. she lives.
a) that
b) what
c) where
21. She ..................................... yesterday.
a) didn’t telephone
b) didn’t telephoned
c) not telephoned
22. I ........................ at school last week.
a) Weren’t
b) Am not
c) Wasn’t
23. Is this book .............................?
a) you
b) your
c) yours
24. Did he ............... to the cinema last Monday?
a) go
b) went
c) goes
25. I ........................................ television at six o’clock yesterday.
a) watch
b) watched
c) am watching
26. ........................ coat is this?
a) Who
b) Whose
c) Who’s
27. He ..................................... His friends on Saturday evening.
a) didn’t meet
b) not meeting
c) didn’t met
28. They ............... at the cinema last weekend.
a) was
b) were
c) are
29. Peter ................. a new bike.
a) have got
b) has got
c) have
30. They are cooking dinner ....................
a) every day
b) at weekends
c) at the moment
Opracowała: Elżbieta Strojkowska

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