Numer: 40453
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs gramatyczno-leksykalny z języka angielskiego dla klas 7-8


I. Podane czasowniki frazowe wstaw w odpowiednie miejsca w zdaniach tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania. Czasowniki muszą być wpisane w odpowiedniej formie:

run out get on cheer up look out look up

1 Could you please pass me a dictionary? I want to .................. a word.
2 I enjoy spending time with my brother. Even though he’s much older than me, we ..................... well.
3 ...............................! – there’s a car coming!
4 I need to go to the supermarket. I thought there’s a lot of food in the fridge, but we ......................... of milk, fruit and vegetables.
5 You look sad, Jane! .........................., everything will be fine!

II. Poniższe zdania są nieprawidłowe, popraw je:
1 It was very annoyed when Kate was late for the party.
2 Mark told me that Suzanne didn’t heard the gossip.
3 I didn’t like the hotel. My room was small and the bed was imcomfortable.
4 Rachel, which father is a doctor, wants to study medicine in few years.
5 The first radio message was send in 1893.
6 These jeans is made of denim.
7 My grandma has been ill for last Monday.
8 My sister has told me the news already.

III. Zapytaj o podkreśloną część zdania:
1 The firs bicycle was made in 1860.
2 Jassie told me that we’re not going to write the test on Monday.
3 A holiday in Egypt will cost PLN 3000.
4 Look at that beautiful dress! It’s made of silk.
............. ........................................?
5 We have known each other for 10 years.

IV. Przetłumacz słowa, podane w nawiasach:

1 My friend, (o którym).................. I told you about, has got 4 dogs, a cat and a spider!
2 Nowadays there is (zbyt wiele)........................ pollution in most of the cities.
3 There is (nic) ........................ to do tonight, so maybe we could visit Tom and Ann?
4 There (nie ma wystarczająco) for wild animals.
5 I think I am (wystarczająco odważny).............................. to try bungee jumping.
6 Here are some things (które) ................... you should take with you when you go to Africa.
7 Have you (kiedykolwiek)....................... eaten prawns?
8 The last part of the film was (najgorsza)...................................

V Przekształć zdania tak, Aby sens poprzedniego został zachowany:

1 I love Paris! It is the first time I am here.
........................................ to Paris before.
2 It is 4 pm now and we started sunbathing at 1 pm.
We........................................for 3 hours now.
3 My mum had long hair when she was a child. She doesn’t have long hair now.
My mum used ........................................ as a child.
4 “I can’t remember the burglar’s face.”
The lady told the police officer........................................
5 I am still doing my homework
I homework yet.
6 I don’t want to do anything tonight.
I........................................nothing tonight.
7 This week was very tiring for me. It’s Saturday tomorrow and I have to go to work!
I wish........................................on Saturdays.
8 “Are you ready to order, Sir?”
The waiter asked me........................................
VI Czsowniki w nawiasach podaj w odpowiedniej formie:
1 If I (be) .................................. you, I (not buy) ..................................this car.
2 What about (watch) .......................................a DVD tonight?
3 I wish I (can) ................................swim well.
4 (not bring)........................ any money unless you (want) buy some souvenirs.
5 We (call) as soon as we (arrive).......................... to Rome.
6 The doctor told me (not drink).................................... cold fizzy drinks for 2 weeks.
7 I’d rather (watch) ................................a horror on TV.
8 I don’t know who that is. She .........................(be) a distant relative.

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