Numer: 38368
Dział: Języki obce

Let's recycle! Konspekt lekcji języka angielskiego z użyciem metody CLIL

This lesson plan for teachers of teenage students at Pre-Intermediate level and above is based on the
theme of recycling. Students will develop their vocabulary and awareness of the importance of
segregation for the re-use of secondary raw materials. They will express their ideas on new recycling


Topic: Let's recycle!
Level: pre- intermediate, intermediate
Total time: 45 min.
-Students will be able to determine solutions for encouraging recycling in their community.
Operating aims: students:
- know the concepts of "trash", "segregation", "recycling",
- can distinguish what is waste and what is not,
- understand the sense of collecting and segregating garbage,
- recognize containers for waste segregation,
- can work in groups to make project posters
text from Wikipedia What is recycling?
comprehension test true/false- source Wikipedia
worksheet Recycle Match-Up / Internet worksheet page /
poster paper
small pieces of paper with the names of trash
paper made cointainers
markers, crayons, or coloured pencils
reading compreheshion
CLIL method
game- sorting the trash
project- making posters
Key terms:
types of materials/ plastic, paper, glass, metal etc/
Introduction: - to elicit information about the purpose of recycling and re -use of the raw
1. Warm up:
- Ask students what they recycle at home and at school.
- Explain that objects can go into three categories when you need to get rid of them:
trash,compost, objects that can be broken down and used in the soil, and recycling, which is
generally glass, plastic, and paper that can be broken down and made into new items.
2. Task 1 Handout 1. Silent reading the text What is recycling? Making a comprehension test
True/ False after reading the text. / 5 minutes /
3. Task 2 Using worksheet 2 students colour each item and match them with the proper bins.
/ 5 minutes /
4. Task 3 Sorting the items. Students choose the small pieces of paper with the name of
different trash and put them into the correct cointainer. / 5 minutes /
5. Task 4Group work. Students are divided into smaller groups and they make posters
according to the chosen topic. /20 minutes /
A How to recycle
B New items of recycling process
6. Task 5 Presentation of works. Display and evaluation. / 5 minutes /
Author: Katarzyna Sosnowska, English teacher Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 w Gostyninie, Poland
What is recycling?
Recycling can be defined as the process of converting waste materials into new materials and
objects. It can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of recycling is to
avoid "conventional" waste disposal. It contributes to the prevention of the waste of potentially
useful materials and reduces the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy
usage, air pollution (from incineration), and water pollution (from landfilling). This practice has
been around throughout the history of mankind, with recorded advocates as far back as Plato in
the fourth century BC.
Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the
"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" waste hierarchy whose aim is to extract the maximum practical
benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of waste.
What can be recycled?
Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, and cardboard, metal, plastic, tires,
textiles, and electronics.The composting or other reuse of biodegradable waste—such as food or
garden waste—is also considered recycling.
How does recycling work?
Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the curbside,
then sorted, cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials destined for manufacturing.
In the strictest sense, recycling of a material would produce a fresh supply of the same material—
for example, used office paper would be converted into new office paper. However, this is often
difficult or too expensive (compared with producing the same product from raw materials or other
sources), so "recycling" of many products or materials involves their reuse in producing different
materials (for example, paperboard) instead. Another form of recycling is the salvage of certain
materials from complex products, either due to their intrinsic value (such as lead from car
batteries, or gold from circuit boards) or due to their hazardous nature (e.g., removal and reuse of
mercury from thermometers and thermostats).
Much of the difficulty inherent in recycling comes from the fact that most products are not
designed with recycling in mind. The concept of sustainable design aims to solve this problem.
Now scientists suggest that every product (and all packaging they require) should have a complete
"closed-loop" cycle mapped out for each component—a way in which every component will either
return to the natural ecosystem through biodegradation or be recycled indefinitely.
Comprehension test
1.Recycling is a modern practice to convert waste materials into new materials and objects.
a. True
b. False
2.Apart from recycling, there are other ways to reduce the consumption of fresh raw
a. True
b. False
3.Sometimes, recycling can be expensive.
a. True
b. False
4.All manufactured products can be recyclable.
a. True
b. False

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