Numer: 35484
Dział: Języki obce

Łatwiutkie przedstawienia dla maluchów po angielsku Peter Rabbit i Cindrella


Narrator1: Let’s meet 4 little rabbits: Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton tail and Peter.
Króliczki: hello
Narrator2: And let’s meet their mum.
mama: hello. I go to the shop. Be good my children. Don’t go to Mr Mcgregor garden.
króliczki: Yes mum, bye
Narrator 1: Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton tail stay at home.
narrator 2 : but Peter goes to Mr McGregor garden
Króliczki: Don’t go Peter.
Piotruś: I’ll bring you carrots.
Narrator3: Peter eats beans and peas and apples and cabbage and ...
Piotruś: oj, oj, I’ve got a belly ache. au, au.
narrator 1: but he goes and he sees Mr McGregor
Piotruś: O no, Mr McGregor, I must run away.
Pan McGregor: Stop, stop
narrator2: Peter runs and loses a jacket and his way
narrator 3: 2 birds come
Piotruś: help me, help me, where should I go
wróbelki: cwir, cwir, go there, go there
Piotruś: Thank you
Narrator 4: Peter runs away but he loses his way
Narrator3: Peter sees a cat:
Piotruś: help me, help me
Cat: Go there, miau, miau
Piotruś: thank you
Narrator5 Peter finds the gate and goes home. But his mum is angry.
Króliczki: Where were you?
Mama: and where is your jacket?
Piotruś: I’m sorry
mama: go to bed, Peter
Narrator4: Peter goes to bed without supper.
Króliczki: You shoud listen to your mums.We do.


Narrator1.- Let’s meet a good dad and his beautiful daughter - Maria.
Narrator 2.-Let’s meet his bad wife and her 3 nasty daughters: Prudence, Charlotte, Sybil..
Dad – Please be good to your mother and sisters.
Cinderella1 – Yes, Father
Narrator 3. – But the stepmother and sisters don’t like Maria.
Stepmother – I don’t like Maria. She is so pretty.
Prudence – I don’t like Maria. She is so good.
Charlotte - I don’t like Maria. She is so nice.
Sybil – I don’t like Maria. She is so good and so nice.
Narrator 2.- They are bad to Maria.
Sybil – You must do all the work.
Prudence – You can wear old dresses.
Charlotte – Give me your shoes.
Stepmother – Clean the house. Right now.
Narrator 3 – Everyday Maria workes hard.
Narrator2 – And sisters give her new name.
Sybil - She is so dirty, she is Cinderella.
Charlotte- Good idea, Cinderella give me an apple.
Prudence – Cindrella, clean my shoes.
Stepmother- Cindrella, go to the kitchen
Charlotte– oh no, Cinderella, I want a banana.
Narrator 1 – Her dad wants to help Cinderella.
Dad (do macochy) – She is good.
Stepmother – Oh, no she is lazy. Listen! Girls, girls! No Cinderella, no.
Courtier 1- Attention! Attention!
Courtier2 – The king and the queen are having a ball.
Courtier 3 – The Prince wants to choose a wife!
Courtier 1 – Attention! Attention!
Narrator 1 – Stepmother, Prudence, Charlotte and Sybil start preparation.
Narrator 2 - But Cinderella can’t go. She has no dress and much work.
Prudence – My dress.
Charlotte – My shoes.
Sybil – My jacket.
Stepmother- Cinderella, Cinderella help me.
Narrator 2 – They give Cinderella peas to sort and they go.
Narrator 5 – Cindrella sorts the peas, but it is too much. Birds come to help.
Bird 1: stop crying.
Bird 2: We will help you.
Cinderella 1– Thank you. Bye.
Mice – Bye.
Narrator 3 –fairy comes.
Wróżka 1–Don’t cry, here is a beautiful dress, shoes and a car.
Cinderella 1- Thank You.
Wróżka 1 – But be home before midnight.
Waiter 1- Miss Karen.
Książe1 – Nice to meet you
Waiter 2 – And miss, miss
Cinderella 2 – Maria.
Książe1 – It’s so nice to meet you.
Cinderella 2 – Thank you my Prince
Narrator 7 - The Prince likes Cinderella and he dances only with her.
Karen – Who is she?
Ann – I don’t know.
Mag – The prince is dancing only with her.
Betty – She must be a princess.
Narrator 1 – But Cinderella leaves the ball before midnight. ( bicie zegara)
Cinderella 2– I have to go
Książe 1 – Wait, please.
Narrator 2 - She loses her shoe.
King – Who was she?
Queen – I don’t know. But she is so pretty.
King – Our son likes her.
Queen – I like her, too.
Narrator 1 – The next day.
Courtier1- Attention! Attention!
Courtier 2- The Prince wants to find his bride.
Courtier 3 – He has her shoe.
courtier 1 – Attention! Attention!
Charlotte, Prudence, Sybil, – Oh, I want, I
Narrator 5 – but the shoe is too small.
Książę 2 do Cinderelli – Will you try?
Cinderella 1 – I’d love to.
Narrator 4- And the shoe is good. And magic: a beautiful dress.
Książę 2– It’s you! Will you marry me?
Cinderella 1- Yes, my prince, I will.
Narrator 4- and they go to the castle.
Narratorzy – and they all live happily ever after.
Children. The end. Thank you.

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