Numer: 33566
Dział: Języki obce

Zwroty wakacyjne w języku angielskim - gimnazjum

Can we have the bill-
What time do you close/open?-
How much time do we have here?
Have you got bigger one?
Maybe later
We are not interested
Let's stay here
Can I have. .?
Here you are
You're welcome
We're looking for...
How much is this/are they?
Can you tell me where the nearest shop is?
Will you be there?
What can you recommend?
How much is it going to be?
We already ordered
Have you got a table for six people?
That's all for now
When are you leaving?
Can you take a photo of use?
Can you tell me the password to wifi?
EU citizens only
How far is the?
Press here
Rent a boat
How long do we have to wait?
What are the ingredients of this?
What time are we leaving/coming back?
What can I do?
What can we have?
Where can I find?
It's not salty/spicy enough
We're waiting for our order
Keep the change
Nice to meet/see you
Half a kilo of peaches please
That's too expensive
What time do we have to be here?
How can we get to?

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