Numer: 31358
Dział: Języki obce

Konkurs wiedzy ogólnej z języka angielskiego dla klas III szkoły podstawowej "EASY ENGLISH"


Name........................................ Class................. Date..............

I Uważnie przeczytaj list Brendy i zaznacz jedną właściwą odpowiedź.

My name is Brenda. I live in London. I’m 13 years old. I’ve got blue eyes and long brown hair. I’ve got one sister. Her name’s Lucy and she’s 5 years old. She gets up at 7.00 o’clock but I get up at 6.45. I have breakfast at 7.10- it takes me ten minutes and I go to school. I go home at 3.20 and I have dinner. I hate grapes but I love tomatoes. I swim every day. I go to bed at 9.00 o’clock and I read my favourite book, “Little Red Riding Hood”.

1. How old is Lucy?
a ) S h e’s thirteen. b) She has five. c) Brenda’s sister is ten. d) Lucy is five.

2. What time does Brenda go to school?
a) At ten past seven. b) At seven o’clock. c) At twenty past seven. d) At half past seven .

3. Where is Brenda from?
a) She’s from English. b) She’s from America. c) She’s from England. d) She’s from Poland.

4. Does Brenda like grapes?
a) Yes, she does. b) No, she doesn’t. c) Lucy likes. d) She loves grapes.

5. What’s Brenda’s favourite sport?
a) Reading b) Swimming c) Playing basketball d) Riding a bike.

6. Does Brenda like reading?
a) No, she doesn’t. b) She likes riding. c) She hates reading. d) Yes, she does.

II Zaznacz wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.

1. like dance swim monster
2. beans shirt shoes jeans
3. bus plane car plate
4. four ninety tree forty
5. in an under behind
6. bear strong tall furry
7. ostrich goat zebra giraffe
8. ear head big hair

III Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź.
1. A rabbit is a ...
a) pet
b) big bird
c) wild animal

2. Monday, Friday, Sunday are ...
a) weather
b) months
c) days of the week

3. After Wednesday is ...
a) Saturday
b) Tuesday
c) Thursday

4. Twenty, thirty, ...
a) fourty
b) fourteen
c) forty

5. is it?
a) Where
b) What
c) How

a) likes
b) like
c) don’t like

7. The bed and TV are in ...
a) the kitchen
b) my house
c) the wardrobe

8.Can your friend skip?
a) Yes, they can.
b) No, she can’t.
c) No, she can.

9.... your nose.
a) Open
b) Clap
c) Touch

10. In my house ........ big bedrooms.
a) there is
b) they are
c) there are

11. Wow! It’s hot today. I’m wearing ...
a) trousers, a jumper and a hat.
b) a T-shirt, a hat and a skirt.
c) a T-shirt, a sweater and jeans .

12. My brother ............
a) gets up at eight to quarter.
b) gets up at ten to seven.
c) get up on seven o’clock.

13. How old are you?
a) I’m sewen.
b) I eight.
c) I’m twelve.

14. How are you?
a) I’m fine, thank you.
b) I’m nine years old.
c) I’m eight.

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