Numer: 19877
Dział: Języki obce

What makes a film good?

What makes a film good?

Level: Pre-Intermediate
• Students will be able to name film genres
• They will practice speaking skills while negotiating a mind map
• They will revise jobs in film industry, adjectives describing film
• They will be able to write a review
Target group: This is a vocabulary lesson involving speaking designed for group work. Students will organize their ideas in mind maps.
Type of activity: Speaking and writing.
Preparation: Provide a big sheet of paper and some markers. If it is possible they may use computers programmes designed for creating mind maps.
1. For a warm up ask the students to name movie genres they know. You may ask them to contribute them one by one. The person who isn’t able to come up with an idea or repeats the word which has been used before loses. Finally one winner is supposed to stay.
2. Ask the students to name three most important factors which make a good film such as people, money or genres or a script.
3. Divide the class into groups (3-4students ) and ask them to draw mind maps presenting these factors: people, money, a script as the main nodes. Then let them develop their maps. The students may revise the vocabulary presented before, they may rely on dictionaries or use the banks of jumbled words prepared by the teacher before. The vocabulary may involve: directors, actors, technicians, scriptwriters, special effects technicians, make-up artists, costume designers, directors of photography, composers, musicians, etc. Money will relate to: location, scenography, cast , public relations, trailers, soundtrack etc. Finally, they may describe what a good script should be like, or, what it should involve, for example: intriguing, unpredictable, inspiring, original, changeable, moving, stimulating and so on.
4. After finishing students present their ideas to the rest of the class. Voting for the most important reasons which make a film exceptional may follow.
5. For homework students will be asked to write a review of the best film they have ever seen.

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