Numer: 19869
Dział: Języki obce

Comparatives - the entertaining and easy way of introducing the subject

This lesson introduce comparative forms of adjectives and let to practise them in entertaining way guaranteeing to win attention and commitment of all students.

1.Warm up:
Two volunteers, can be weaker students who usually don't participate too much in the lesson, draw two drawings of people.
Then the class:
give each of the characters a name
make a list of same known adjectives

and then write some numbers. When they finish you reveal to them what each number means
12 – 34 (age)
50 – 100 (weight)
100 – 200 (height)
70 – 150 (IQ)
5 – 100 (strength)
1 – 100 (000 zl in bank)
1 – 5 (how many people doesn't like him)
1 - 5 attractiveness
1 – 5 happiness

2.Introducing the problem:
How do we make the comparative of adjectives. You can use any text from your book to analyse two ways of making comparative forms. Make students to write few examples and them elicit the rules and create a short note using your students ideas.
Remember to draw their attention to fallowing facts:
difference between short and long adjectives
spelling rules
irregular adjectives

3. Practice - comparing drawn characters
Ask one of the stronger students to write the first sentence with your help. Analyse the model and let the student to choose the next person who compare the characters. If you choose a girl and a boy to make the drawings, the rest of girls and boys will tend to get involved with the characters and comparing will be real fun.

4. Homework: You can ask students to compare to members of their family in a similar way

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