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Numer: 17419
Dział: Języki obce

Christmas activities


The activities are prepared for primary - school children.

1. Decorate your Christmas tree – Draw and write

a star, a tinsel, a stocking, balls, bells, colured lights, sweets, presents, Christmas cards

2. Describe your Christmas tree – Write colours or numbers

My Christmas tree is great!
The star is ..................... .
The tinsel is .................. and .................. .
The stocking is ............... and ..................... .
The balls are .................., ..................... and ..................... .
The bells are ............... .
The coloured lights are .................., ..................... and ........................
The sweets are ............... and .....................
I have got .................. presents and ............... Christmas cards.

3. Messed up words - Write

TRAS .............................. TIGSNKCO ....................................
TSWEES ........................... ENRPTSSE ....................................
ATNSA ....................................... ALBL .......................................
LELB ........................................ SINTLE ....................................
LCOUDORE GTILHS .......................................
HCIRTSAMS RETE ........................................

4. Dress up Santa Claus – Read, write and draw

a bag with presents, a hat, boots, a jacket, gloves, a belt, trousers, a pompom

He has got a red ............ with a white ..................... .
He has got a long red ............... and a black ............... .
He has got green ..................... .
He has got red ........................ .
He has got black and white ..................... .
He is happy and brings ..................... to children.

5. How many words can you get? Write



6. Welcome Santa Claus – Read and draw

Dear Santa Claus,

This is my house

my chimney

my fireplace

my stocking

my milk and cookies for you

my carrots for your reindeer

and please, leave some presents for me ............


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