Numer: 11511
Dział: Języki obce

Essey: London - the city which never sleeps

London is in the south of the United Kingdom. The capital of Great Britain is one of the most fascinating and beautiful cities in the world. There are so many thinks to see and do that you cannot be bored there.
There are a lot of attractions in London, which is famous for its historic buildings, cinemas, shops, theatres, churches, museums, galleries and so on. Over seven million of British people live there and over 25 million tourist visit London every year, so it is undoubtedly worth going.
Many people who visit London start from Westminister Abbey. This is church which is famous for its monuments and figures. There are a large number of historic buildings reflecting London’s rich history, from the Tower of London on the river, to the elegant Queen’s House at Greenwich. There is a wonderful view along the River Thames and we could see view at Westminister Cathedral showing the Houses of Parliament. Anyone can go to the Houses of Commons and the Houses of Lords, where debates take place. Very famous is also Buckingham Palace, the London home of the monarchy, and the Millenium Bridge. London has over 300 museums and over 250 art collection. The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square contains one of the finest collections of paintings of the world. London has also five international airports: Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton and London City. There are direct flights to 160 destinations each day.
For people who love the nature beauties, London has many attractions. Green areas include a thousand parks and squares. The most famous are the royal parks, where people can relax. There are: Greenwich, Richmond and in the centre of London Hyde Park, Green Park, St. James’ Park. The largest is Richmond Park. Parks are full of beautiful plants, trees or birds. A huge attraction is the Monster Garden at Crystal Palace where you can admire prehistoric creatures.
For people who love shopping , London is a real paradise. They should visit Oxford Street, Bond Street or Regent Street. You can find there everything you wish. London’s most famous department store is Harrods. People sometimes wait all night to be first in front of it’s door.
There is also a vast range of sport facilities available across the capital like: public sports halls, swimming pools, ice rinks, ski slopes and many others. Lakes provides facilities for watersports such as yachting, waterskiing or canoeing. Moreover, London has many bars, pubs, restaurants and wine bars. Pubs offer live music and entertainment like pub quiz nights. There are many restaurants specializing in particular types of food such as: seafood, fish or vegetarian. In Chinatown you can nicely spend time in Chinese restaurants.
London is also a perfect place to learn. There are 13 universities, the oldest and largest is the University of London, founded in 1836. London is the centre of specialist training. Schools of art, design, fashion, architecture, drama, music are very practical and draw students from all over the world. Also adults education courses are very popular.
“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”- I fully agree with this sentence. You will be amazed by this delightful place, which should not be missed by any visitors heading off to the UK.

As you see London is a great and wonderful city which must be visited by everyone. There are so many attractions and interesting places that everyone can find something worth seeing. Historical places, museums, churches, galleries, shops, restaurants, parks and many others places make the city so fascinating. People who enjoy active life find London an ideal place too. I strongly recommend visiting this delightful city.

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